Help Please ! MSN Messenger & MSN Zone problems........



Can anyone please advise or help with a problem with MSN Messenger and MSN
Zone ----My problem is that when I am playing cribbage on the zone and have
Messenger on voice at the same time i get a terrible 'lag'(i think they call
it latency) on the zone
I'm not very computer literate and dont really understand all the technical

Thanks for your help if anyone can give me any .......


In tedbib <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
Can anyone please advise or help with a problem with MSN Messenger
and MSN Zone ----My problem is that when I am playing cribbage on the
zone and have Messenger on voice at the same time i get a terrible
'lag'(i think they call it latency) on the zone
I'm not very computer literate and dont really understand all the
technical jargon

Thanks for your help if anyone can give me any .......

Are you on dialup?



Yes --56k modem .My ISP is blueyonder (connection speed is 115.2 Kpbs)It
seemed fine until I installed SP2
I am in England and my fiancee is in US --we play cribbage on line and
chat(with microphone and speakers) at the same time --but since SP2 was
installed I have a terrible 'lag'when playing cribbage-- which takes away the
enjoyment -- as soon as I stop voice conversation it goes OK
I just dont know what to do...


In tedbib <[email protected]> had this to say:

My reply is at the bottom of your sent message:
Yes --56k modem .My ISP is blueyonder (connection speed is 115.2
Kpbs)It seemed fine until I installed SP2
I am in England and my fiancee is in US --we play cribbage on line
and chat(with microphone and speakers) at the same time --but since
SP2 was installed I have a terrible 'lag'when playing cribbage--
which takes away the enjoyment -- as soon as I stop voice
conversation it goes OK
I just dont know what to do...

There's not much you can do other than upgrade to a better internet
connection if available. Some other things you can do are avoiding any other
online activity while you're chatting, making sure that your email isn't
downloading while you're chatting, checking to insure your anti-virus isn't
updating during your chats. Things like that might help you get the best
performance possible. There's not a lot of throughput on narrowband
connections such as dialup I'm afraid. Alternatively there are other chat
applications which might work a bit better. I've been told that Yahoo is
fairly decent for voice on dialup but never actually tried it.


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