Help - Anybody any suggestions ....



Please take a look at the following

A - 6 - 34
A - 2 - 23
A - 2 - 13
B - 5 - 23
C - 2 - 55
D - 7 - 23

The above data is made up but ...
I usee the AutoSort and only display LETTER A (3 rows of data)

On a new worksheet how would I list something similar to th

Report for LETTER A

Position - Grand Total
2 - x
6 - x
(with X being the value calculated)

What I also see as being tricky is for it to only to include position
that actually contain values. For example, there is nothing for LETTE
A in 1st position so there isn't any point including it.

For every position that appears more than once (in the above exampl
this is 2nd) it adds the TOTAL together and the result is displayed i
the column GRAND TOTAL.

A bit vague perhaps so I can always reply if needed


Sorry, Maybe I cannot fully understand your question.
Do you want to find out the Grand Total, Letter Total , and Leter-Poistion
If yes, you can use the subtotal feature in excel
Step one, sort your list by using Menu->Data->Sort. Sort by Letter, then by
Step two, Menu->Data->subtotal, At each change in: Letter, function: sum,
Add subtotal to: total, OK
Step three, Menu->Data->subtotal, At each change in: Position, function:
sum, Add subtotal to: total, remember to uncheck "replace current subtotal"



I want the report to display the grand total of each letter in every

I think I'm starting to confuse myself now.... I'll try and explain

I have a spreadsheet with thousands of words in column A ... about 400
words, and are repeated. Each word is often in different positions and
have a value ... so if we take the word 'SAUSAGE' it will be in
position 3 one week ... and perhaps 4th the week after.


What i want to show on my 'calculations page' (new worksheet) is the
total number of CLICKS for every positon ....

1st - 6546
2nd - 5666
3rd - 6666

It adds the total clicks when SAUSAGE was in 1st position, when it was
in 2nd posiition ... if it's never been in 3rd position it won't show
it and instead would go on and display 4th (although this is an
additional problem).

Does this make it any clearer?

Ron Rosenfeld

Please take a look at the following

A - 6 - 34
A - 2 - 23
A - 2 - 13
B - 5 - 23
C - 2 - 55
D - 7 - 23

The above data is made up but ...
I usee the AutoSort and only display LETTER A (3 rows of data)

On a new worksheet how would I list something similar to the

Report for LETTER A

Position - Grand Total
2 - x
6 - x
(with X being the value calculated)

What I also see as being tricky is for it to only to include positions
that actually contain values. For example, there is nothing for LETTER
A in 1st position so there isn't any point including it.

For every position that appears more than once (in the above example
this is 2nd) it adds the TOTAL together and the result is displayed in
the column GRAND TOTAL.

A bit vague perhaps so I can always reply if needed.

If I understand you correctly, a Pivot Table report might work.

If this is the sort of report you want:

A 70
2 36
6 34

B 23
5 23

C 55
2 55

D 23
7 23

Grand Total 171


Select some cell in your table.

Data/Pivot Table/Finish

Go to the new sheet and drag

Letter --> Columns
Position --> Rows
Total --> Data

Then select to Format the table (from the Pivot Table toolbar) and choose one
of the "report" options that pleases.



If you look at my excel file you will see what I mean.

There are only 3 words in there as the file was over 6mb with all the
words in.

If you click on 'Calculations' worksheet it gives the figures for
whatever is selected, but I want this to be broken down for each
position, so I know how a word is going on when it is in 1st, when it's
in 2nd, etc so i can compare and learn which is the best position for it
to be in.

I know I could find this out by selecting the position on the main
worksheet, but it would be much more efficient for me to

1) Select a keyword from the drop down box
2) click on calculations worksheet
3) and see how a word is performing in several positions

Ron Rosenfeld

If you look at my excel file you will see what I mean.

There are only 3 words in there as the file was over 6mb with all the
words in.

If you click on 'Calculations' worksheet it gives the figures for
whatever is selected, but I want this to be broken down for each
position, so I know how a word is going on when it is in 1st, when it's
in 2nd, etc so i can compare and learn which is the best position for it
to be in.

I know I could find this out by selecting the position on the main
worksheet, but it would be much more efficient for me to

1) Select a keyword from the drop down box
2) click on calculations worksheet
3) and see how a word is performing in several positions

Perhaps someone else will, but I don't usually download this sort of stuff.

I believe that pivot tables will do what you describe in your first post. And
should be applicable to most situations.

Did you try?

If it is something else you want to perform, you'll have to explain it better.


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