handle leak - hotfix availability


John Wood


I (believe) I'm experiencing the bug that's documented in kb article 842675
entitled "A handle leak occurs in a process that uses Corperfmonext.dll in
the .NET Framework 1.1", http://support.microsoft.com/kb/842675.

In the article it says that a hotfix is available and to contact them,
except the link to contact doesn't actually provide any options for
contacting a technical engineer. Does anyone have any idea how I can get
hold of this hotfix, whether it was shipped out as a service pack, and
whether it's fixed in .Net 2 ?


Steven Cheng[MSFT]

Hi John,

Regarding on service pack, .net framework 1.1 has only SP1 so far. For the
issue you mentioned in the following KB:


it should be published after service pack1, therefore, if you need the
hotfix, you need to contact the PSS follow the instruction in that article(
"Hotfix Information section)



Steven Cheng

Microsoft MSDN Online Support Lead

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