Get me Back to Movie Maker 1!



I was doing fine in WMM 1 that came with my Dell last month. Since I upgraded to WMM 2.0, life is hell. All the AVIs I make skip and jump. I can't play a clip directly without its skipping. If I drag the clip onto the timeline, I can play it from there. But when I make a movie I can't play it in either WMP or Real without its skipping. Don't know whether it would still be a problem if I burned it onto a DVD, but this just didn't happen with WMM 1.

Windows Movie Maker doesn't appear on my add/delete progs in XP Pro. Is it so integral to the OS that I can't get rid of it and reload the original from my XP CD?

PapaJohn \(MVP\)

You can run both MM1 and MM2 versions. The only thing you need to add back
in is the main executable for MM1. See the Problem Solving... Go Back to MM1
page of my website.


slew said:
I was doing fine in WMM 1 that came with my Dell last month. Since I
upgraded to WMM 2.0, life is hell. All the AVIs I make skip and jump. I
can't play a clip directly without its skipping. If I drag the clip onto
the timeline, I can play it from there. But when I make a movie I can't
play it in either WMP or Real without its skipping. Don't know whether it
would still be a problem if I burned it onto a DVD, but this just didn't
happen with WMM 1.
Windows Movie Maker doesn't appear on my add/delete progs in XP Pro. Is
it so integral to the OS that I can't get rid of it and reload the original
from my XP CD?


Okay -- I did get back to MM1. In fact, I can run either MM1 or MM2. I just can't open in MM1 the projects I created in MM2. Nor can I see the clips

Here's my problem: I bought a new Dell Dim 4600 last month, put in a firewire card, and started using MM1 to make movies, which I saved on DVD using Sonic MYDVD 4.5. All was okay

I then upgraded to MM2. Now the clips and movies I make using the very same settings -- AVI -- won't play for me in Windows Media Player. The video looks okay, but the audio skips repeatedly. The same thing happens when I create an AVI clip from DV cam, then play the clip in MM2. But if I drag it onto the timeline, I can play it and the audio is okay

Am I missing something here? Is the audio being encoded differently by MM2 than by MM1?

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