general help with Win ME



To all those with With problems on WINDOWS ME...sit around...and hear a tale of long ago when microsoft was respected for what they made...

IN a time long ago when monitors just now knew what color was and ram was big at 32 megs. A man named Bill Gates...started the company we know today by backstabbing his friend who made the company APPLe and look where APPLE is today...anyways...bill gates or should i call him...."Big G"....well....he made microsoft....we all liked windows at first...then it got seemingly better.......and better....and better...then Windows ME came around....otherwise known as satan....or MothEr of all evil....Big G knew he made a grave mistake with he fired half the company and rehired...becaus he has lots of he was in a pickle....and boy was it sour....he figured that because most of the people in the world who use his products are complete idiots who know nothing about computers and will buy anything microsoft pumps out because they are consumer whores.....back to the point of this story....To fix the problem he was in...he created an all powerful ring above all to rule all rings....this ring was hte one ring...he lost the ring one day and an anarexic midget/crackwhore found this ring and called himself a hobbit...he broke off from microsoft and made the all powerful os we know as linux....the best os in this galaxy....but was does microsoft have to do ...well big g has to go and try to hide this os...well....everyone now knows that big G is rich coward...this went on for 20 years and he was overthrown by all those who love their computers....moral of the story is

If you have WIndows ME you should....

1. reformat your harddrive and burn it to make sure it is sterile of that vile evil....
2. Buy a new harddrive and install linux.....
3. Burn every microsoft product you own...
4. you should boycott microsoft..
5. apply for a job at microsoft and mine the company from within...
6. IBM rules...
7. by this time you should be hating yourself thoroughly for the mistakes you made...
8. at this time if you are still reading this you must have ME on your computer because only ME users woiuld be dumb enough to keep reading this garbage...
9. the ALL HOLY #9
10. if you are stillllll reading this....burn your new computer with linux because you have corrupted it with your stupidity...
11. The end...og eid

Please email feedback and refer to my otehr help guides...


your computer because only ME users woiuld be dumb enough to keep
reading this garbage...

So by your logic you must be a ME user because you're too stupid to *READ
THE DAMNED GROUP TOPIC*! This is a *WINDOWS XP* group, moron, why should
anyone be posting about *WINDOWS ME* here?! Except you, of course...

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