Front Page and Geocities



I have a free Yahoo Geocities web page. Brand new Front Page user. I can't
manually upload my page to Geocities (not willing to pay to use their FTP
option!)-I get an error message saying "invalid file." My file name meets all
of their guidelines. Is this a problem with Geocities not being compatible
with FrontPage 2003? I see that they do support 2002. What am I doing wrong??


What kind of file are you getting the 'invalid file' error on?

If you're not using FTP or FP's http:// Publish method what are you using...some kind of design template thing?

| I have a free Yahoo Geocities web page. Brand new Front Page user. I can't
| manually upload my page to Geocities (not willing to pay to use their FTP
| option!)-I get an error message saying "invalid file." My file name meets all
| of their guidelines. Is this a problem with Geocities not being compatible
| with FrontPage 2003? I see that they do support 2002. What am I doing wrong??


actually I was just playing around with a free Geocities web.

The free web (aside from having Ads) is either TOO simple or TOO complicated. In other words you either use their templates and go the simple route OR you can manually edit the page html...but it's appears limited. You can't upload complete pages so you'd have to copy/paste from FP...which may work or may not depending on what your trying to do. Not sure how you'd upload images since there's no ftp but I'm gonna mess around some...

IMO...use the free site to play around with, but don't expect too much. In fact you may get totally frustrated trying to make it work with FP. I got a free site to play with too :)

What kind of file are you getting the 'invalid file' error on?

If you're not using FTP or FP's http:// Publish method what are you using...some kind of design template thing?

| I have a free Yahoo Geocities web page. Brand new Front Page user. I can't
| manually upload my page to Geocities (not willing to pay to use their FTP
| option!)-I get an error message saying "invalid file." My file name meets all
| of their guidelines. Is this a problem with Geocities not being compatible
| with FrontPage 2003? I see that they do support 2002. What am I doing wrong??


They have what they call "Easy Upload" which will manually upload a file to
their server once you choose it from your hard drive. Mine is just a plain
old vanilla html's worked a million times from my other HTML
program. The only info I can get about the error from Yahoo's help is that it
doesn't fit their guidelines. I've retyped it in hopes there was an invisible
undesirable character, I've even renamed the file but to no avail. I've
emailed them for help, but I'm not expecting anything very helpful from them
based on other experiences!


I think you'll find it pretty frustrating, it's pretty limited in what you can do from the outside...if you stick to their system it's pretty cool for a simple site...IF you can stand the pop-ups even when designing you get popups.

I uploaded an image, but haven't tried a file yet...I'lll give it a shot in a bit.

| They have what they call "Easy Upload" which will manually upload a file to
| their server once you choose it from your hard drive. Mine is just a plain
| old vanilla html's worked a million times from my other HTML
| program. The only info I can get about the error from Yahoo's help is that it
| doesn't fit their guidelines. I've retyped it in hopes there was an invisible
| undesirable character, I've even renamed the file but to no avail. I've
| emailed them for help, but I'm not expecting anything very helpful from them
| based on other experiences!
| "Rob Giordano (Crash Gordon®)" wrote:
| > What kind of file are you getting the 'invalid file' error on?
| >
| > If you're not using FTP or FP's http:// Publish method what are you using...some kind of design template thing?
| >
| >
| > | I have a free Yahoo Geocities web page. Brand new Front Page user. I can't
| > | manually upload my page to Geocities (not willing to pay to use their FTP
| > | option!)-I get an error message saying "invalid file." My file name meets all
| > | of their guidelines. Is this a problem with Geocities not being compatible
| > | with FrontPage 2003? I see that they do support 2002. What am I doing wrong??
| >


I have been able to upload a full web page successfully many times-you do
have to upload you pics separately, but that's not been a problem. Are you
using FP 2003 too? Did you try using their "Easy Upload" for an FP page? It's


Ah ha! I figured it need to save the file in FP as html, not html
and tell geocities to convert it to html. Somewhat backwards and a little
labor intensive, but it works...when it's free, I guess you just have to
figure their system out. Here's the address to my page-I completely uploaded
it, pics and all from FP a few minutes ago. Feel free to check out the code
too if you're curious about how to make sure the pics and images show up!

I really appreciate the effort you just put in to help me. It's more than
I've gotten anywhere else. BTW-I was using Coffee Cup HTML Editor 2005 and
have completely given up on it. Wayyy too many bugs and poor customer service
for non-"codies." I wouldn't know a text tag if it whopped me in the kisser.
They advertised themselves as friendly for people who can't write code-but
this 2005 version has so many bugs people are reverting to the previous
version which doesn't have drag and drop in a visual editor. So I appreciate
all that you did! =)


Thomas A. Rowe


All of your images point back to your local HD, only you can see the images.

Thomas A. Rowe (Microsoft MVP - FrontPage)
WEBMASTER Resources(tm)

FrontPage Resources, WebCircle, MS KB Quick Links, etc.


Awww crrrap! Looks like I know what I'll be doing today! =( Thanks for
letting me know...I thought I had the code pointed to my geocities file
manager where I have uploaded those images!


You'll have to manually fix that.
Toldya it was gonna be a pain in the bootocks.

| Awww crrrap! Looks like I know what I'll be doing today! =( Thanks for
| letting me know...I thought I had the code pointed to my geocities file
| manager where I have uploaded those images!

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