"From" Address is Changed



My wife has a "Gmail" account that she uses and when I send out mail, my
address is removed in the "From" box and her address is inserted even though
my address is the deflaut address. WM leaves my name, but uses her address.
We both have our accounts in WM account list.
(Note: I have had Windows Mail over a year now and this problem has come
about after I installed Vista SP1 two weeks ago?)
This is being done automatically by Window Mail and I am puzzeled how this

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

Joe said:
My wife has a "Gmail" account that she uses and when I send out mail, my
address is removed in the "From" box and her address is inserted even
my address is the deflaut address. WM leaves my name, but uses her
We both have our accounts in WM account list.
(Note: I have had Windows Mail over a year now and this problem has come
about after I installed Vista SP1 two weeks ago?)
This is being done automatically by Window Mail and I am puzzeled how this

Are you sure the default account is not being reset and that these are not

Gary VanderMolen

Are you sure WM is doing this rather than Gmail?
Have you inspected the copy that is in the Sent Items folder?


The sent mail is still correct with my address in the From box. When I send a
test email back to myself, it comes back with my wife's address inserted. I
thought it might be gmail but the sending goes through my ISP provider ad
gmail is not involved.
When people reply, my email comes back with my wife's address, this is how I
noticed the change.


When people reply to my emails, I noticed that they were replying to my
wife's address. I checked my sent file and the mail is correct wth my deflaut
address so I sent myself a test emial and when it arrived, my wifes email
address was inserted in place of mine.
My deflaut address is my ISP provider and gmail is not involved in the
sending of the mail.
Thanks for your help ...

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

I suspect you and your wife have accounts with the scene ISP and that they
are really aliases for the same mailbox on the server. In this case the
first account to check the mail will download all messages and. be used for

Gary VanderMolen

Since the copy in the Sent Items folder has the correct 'From' address,
I can assure you that Windows Mail is not making the change.
The change of 'From' address is done by the SMTP server that you are
sending out with. Which SMTP server is that message going out through?

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