Freeware Screen Savers .. Is there really such a thing?


Lord Possum

My earlier posting that questioned freeware screen savers brought forth
a thread of responses that covered a lot of ground and interpretations.
Perhaps it might be within the purview of a.c.f. to make a concensus
determination of just what is a "screen saver" in the first place.

Purists that responded argued that most screen-savers were not savers at
all, but rather screen-users. I think we can all agree that the term
originated as a solid black, no lit pixel, screen which would indeed
preserve a longer life for the phosphor coatings of our monitor CRT.

Then another few responses opined that "screen-savers" were no more, no
less than one or more still pictures that might fade in and out like a
slide show, maybe with some background music. These might be easily
constructed with the aid of some program for the purpose.

A third definition, which I adhere to, comprises some sort of action
and sound, sort of like a movie. The famous Sachs aquariums are examples
of this genre. The recently revived version of Johnny Castaway for
Windows is another.

So, when I go looking for "Screen Savers", I'd like to see some sort of
indication in the title which might save me needless trials and
downloads, as many offerings do not indicate.

Most of all, I want Screen-Savers of whichever kind to work as a
standalone .SCR file, contain not one shred of advertising or begging,
and finally ... does not require the prospective user to jump through
hoops (email address, apply for free password, or answer surveys, etc).

Susan Bugher

John said:
Susan Bugher wrote:

I just did this and there only seems to be a subcategory under
"Graphics" for "Screensaver" and that leads to only one screensaver
(MyAlbum). Oh well.

??? My first thought was that I'd screwed up the web pages (again) ;)
but that doesn't seem to be it. . .

This is this list of URLs *I* found using "Edit/find" and searching that
page for "screensaver":
Well... you could always cross reference them or list them twice?

Not a chance. FWIW - been there, tried that (with one of the PL).
Everybody in ACF seemed to think cross-referencing was a truly great
idea - till I asked for input. A dead silence followed. . .

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)

John Corliss

Susan said:

Susan, what I did was the following and I think it's what other people
would do too.

1. Go to the Pricelessware page:

2. Click on "Category Index":

3. Search (I use Firefox, so it's "Control-F") for "Screensaver"

Only thing listed on that page is what I mentioned.

P.S. It's 2006 now.

Regards from John Corliss
I don't reply to trolls and other such idiots. No adware, cdware,
commercial software, crippleware, demoware, nagware, PROmotionware,
shareware, spyware, time-limited software, trialware, viruses or warez

Susan Bugher

Susan, what I did was the following and I think it's what other people
would do too.

It's hard to say what kind of search *most* people use. Googling the
site is probably one of the more popular ways (though not the most
efficient). The default in the Google search box that's on each web page
is to search the entire PWH site.

Ah ha! Different Category Index pages! PL2006 vs. ACF - apples and
oranges - another mystery solved.

There have been threads about screensavers in ACF (like this one) and
some of the apps that were mentioned in those threads are listed on the
*ACF* pages.

AFAIK there's *NEVER* been a screensaver (.scr) app on the Pricelessware
List (only slideshow/screensaver makers like MyAlbum, IrfanView etc.) I
don't think a screensaver has ever even been nominated. Your lack of
success is now self-explanatory - it *is* a tad difficult to find
something that doesn't exist. ;)

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)

Gabriele Neukam

On that special day, Susan Bugher, ([email protected]) said...

I've meanwhile found it :)

Another question.

When I ran it, the program started, but when I tried to access the
properties (right clicking on the systray icon), it "encountered a
problem" (sp?), and terminated.

I right clicked on the program and set it into compatibility mode, for
WinME, because it ran fine on my ME laptop. Did anybody else have such
a problem?

One caveat: I installed the Anti-WMF-exploit patch by Ilfak Guilfanov,
and it might have been, that it intercepted the program, as it does
create a graphic file, and issues a command to set it as a desktop

If this is true, a "ME compatibility mode" added in a prepared WMF file
could cause some problems. Hopefully not.

I don't want the functionality broken, neither in Xearth, nor in the
Guilfanov patch.

Gabriele Neukam

(e-mail address removed)

John Corliss

Susan said:
It's hard to say what kind of search *most* people use.

I wasn't referring to how people search from Google, but rather from the
Pricelessware starting page.
Googling the
site is probably one of the more popular ways (though not the most

I agree. I only do it when I'm not having any luck via direct search
using your heirarchy. I don't like using that Google search field
because the results are surrounded with sponsored links and are also
polluted with dead links on older PW pages.
The default in the Google search box that's on each web page
is to search the entire PWH site.

Ah ha! Different Category Index pages! PL2006 vs. ACF - apples and
oranges - another mystery solved.

There have been threads about screensavers in ACF (like this one) and
some of the apps that were mentioned in those threads are listed on the
*ACF* pages.

AFAIK there's *NEVER* been a screensaver (.scr) app on the Pricelessware
List (only slideshow/screensaver makers like MyAlbum, IrfanView etc.) I
don't think a screensaver has ever even been nominated. Your lack of
success is now self-explanatory - it *is* a tad difficult to find
something that doesn't exist. ;)

Yep. Now I understand. Never really used the ACF pages, but I will now.
Question (probably dumb) though, are the programs that are listed there
screened to ensure that they're only freeware (or one of the tolerable
types of non-freeware)?

Regards from John Corliss
I don't reply to trolls and other such idiots. No adware, cdware,
commercial software, crippleware, demoware, nagware, PROmotionware,
shareware, spyware, time-limited software, trialware, viruses or warez

Susan Bugher

John said:
Susan Bugher wrote:
I agree. I only do it when I'm not having any luck via direct search
using your heirarchy. I don't like using that Google search field
because the results are surrounded with sponsored links and are also
polluted with dead links on older PW pages.

If you use the search box you can omit older PL pages by selecting just
one directory (PL2006 or ACF or ACFG).
Yep. Now I understand. Never really used the ACF pages, but I will now.
Question (probably dumb) though, are the programs that are listed there
screened to ensure that they're only freeware (or one of the tolerable
types of non-freeware)?

The ACF list is kind of a mini-FAQ. Apps include $ware that *was* free
(URLs are omitted) and apps that may trash your sytem (NR => NOT

Everybody has a different definition of "free enough for me" - some apps
with ware types that are NOT acceptable for the Pricelessware List are
included. Ware descriptions are as COMPLETE as possible - including info
the author doesn't give you or hides in the fine print. ;)

Some apps don't have a ware description yet - AFAIK all those are free
but might be Liteware, free just for personal use etc. etc.

Posted to alt.comp.freeware
Search alt.comp.freeware (or read it online):
Pricelessware & ACF:
Pricelessware: (not maintained)

Lord Possum

Try this. In your Google search option type:

index of: // screensaver

Countless pages of subject matter. However, some of them
turn out to be lists for download of .. wallpaper, not
..scr files. Yet, absolutely useful.

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