Free Software to Remove Noise in Digital Pictures


Yves Alarie

Lots of software to remove "noise" from digital camera pictures.
If you need such, there is one extremely good one and it is free. From here:
Download the file from there in a folder or make a new folder and save the
file. Then double click on the file to install it. Start the software (from
a yellow tulip icon that will be added on your desktop or Program files).
When the software opens, you need to go to options to "remove green lines"
and a window will open to send an e-mail to the author of the software to
request a serial number. You get back a license number in your e-mail within
15 seconds and you then start the program again, go to Options again and you
will now see Receive serial number. Click on it and enter the serial number.
You are now in business! I know, a little cumbersome. However, the best
noise remover software available and it is free!
I have used it since the first version, it is now on version 1.053-3. Just
top notch.

Gord Dibben

Thanks for this Yves.

Have downloaded and up and running per your steps.

Will try it out and report back.

If demo pics are any indication, should be great little utility.


Yves Alarie

Noise is to digital camera what we called grain on film.
It will happen with any camera and in particular in low light and in shadows
in a bright light picture. Particularly so when you use a high ISO value
when taking a picture in low light
To see noise, open a picture an zoom on it. You will see some red, blue and
green little pixels all over, particularly in shadows or dark areas.
Usually not a big deal when you print at 6 x 4 but if you enlarge you will
see them on your print.
For example, I have a picture of my daughter at the beach. Her right leg is
fine, but it also produced shadows on her left leg. It is full of noise.
Another example is inside a church. Everything is fine except the very dark
furniture. Full of noise.
Printing these at 8 x 10 on a top notch printer yields very poor results for
these pictures.
However, processing them with software to remove noise will save them. The
problem with the software to do this has been a lost of details with noise
removal. This newer software will not remove details.

Yves Alarie

A good idea to check there from time to time since the author is frequently
updating the software. Once you have a serial number you just download the
new version and start it.
Although he recommends input and output files to be TIFF, it works quite
well for me with JPEGs.
If you want to try with TIFF, you can batch convert some JPEGs with free
software here:
although it certainly will not be as good as starting with a TIFF file.

Indeed let me know, particularly if you can compare with other denoising
software that you have been working with.

If you go to
and select Forum and Retouching you may be able to find several threads on
this software with some examples of nasty noisy pictures and how this
software cleaned them up. Particularly about 6 weeks ago examples were
posted comparing this software with the most popular ones.
Here is the current thread on it:

Gord Dibben


I have very few TIFF's so JPEG's is choice.

Already have IrfanView(used it for a few years). Is great tool for batch

Am just starting to get serious with the Photos. Have not tried noise-removal
apps prior to this.

Have DIPro 10 and PSPro 9 for editing.

Prefer DIPro 10 due to the easier learning curve.

You will probably see me posting here quite frequently as I experiment.

Thanks for being here. John Inzer included.

I see John is an MVP. Are you also? Couldn't find your name on the list.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

Yves Alarie

Yes I have MVP under Shell/User but I don't know if you can see me listed
there since I signed "viewable by Microsoft only".

Have not used PSPPro 9.
I like DIPro 10, but it cannot open RAW files.
So I use PSE 3 or just recently Picasa 2.0 (also free from here: to get started to at least view them. PSE 3 does great
conversion from RAW to TIFF but Picasa only to JPEG
Tried Irfanview to convert RAW files to TIFF or JPEG but not good at all for
this, at least from my camera, Minolta A1. I get very dark pictures with it.

Gord Dibben said:

I have very few TIFF's so JPEG's is choice.

Already have IrfanView(used it for a few years). Is great tool for batch

Am just starting to get serious with the Photos. Have not tried noise-removal
apps prior to this.

Have DIPro 10 and PSPro 9 for editing.

Prefer DIPro 10 due to the easier learning curve.

You will probably see me posting here quite frequently as I experiment.

Thanks for being here. John Inzer included.

I see John is an MVP. Are you also? Couldn't find your name on the list.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

A good idea to check there from time to time since the author is frequently
updating the software. Once you have a serial number you just download the
new version and start it.
Although he recommends input and output files to be TIFF, it works quite
well for me with JPEGs.
If you want to try with TIFF, you can batch convert some JPEGs with free
software here:
although it certainly will not be as good as starting with a TIFF file.

Indeed let me know, particularly if you can compare with other denoising
software that you have been working with.

If you go to
and select Forum and Retouching you may be able to find several threads on
this software with some examples of nasty noisy pictures and how this
software cleaned them up. Particularly about 6 weeks ago examples were
posted comparing this software with the most popular ones.
Here is the current thread on it:

Gord Dibben said:
Thanks for this Yves.

Have downloaded and up and running per your steps.

Will try it out and report back.

If demo pics are any indication, should be great little utility.


Gord Dibben

You better re-do your request.

I found you under Windows>Shell/User at public site.


Yves Alarie

It takes a Canadian to track another Canadian!
You found me, must be RCMP training.
Hope you get interested in digital photography and since you already have
MVP status for Excel, you must know all kinds of XP tricks. We can learn
from you in this Newsgroup. Hope to see you around here.


Thanks for the information and explanation.

Yves Alarie said:
Noise is to digital camera what we called grain on film.
It will happen with any camera and in particular in low light and in shadows
in a bright light picture. Particularly so when you use a high ISO value
when taking a picture in low light
To see noise, open a picture an zoom on it. You will see some red, blue and
green little pixels all over, particularly in shadows or dark areas.
Usually not a big deal when you print at 6 x 4 but if you enlarge you will
see them on your print.
For example, I have a picture of my daughter at the beach. Her right leg is
fine, but it also produced shadows on her left leg. It is full of noise.
Another example is inside a church. Everything is fine except the very dark
furniture. Full of noise.
Printing these at 8 x 10 on a top notch printer yields very poor results for
these pictures.
However, processing them with software to remove noise will save them. The
problem with the software to do this has been a lost of details with noise
removal. This newer software will not remove details.

John Inzer

Yves said:
It takes a Canadian to track another Canadian!
You found me, must be RCMP training.
Hope you get interested in digital photography and since
you already have MVP status for Excel, you must know all
kinds of XP tricks. We can learn from you in this
Newsgroup. Hope to see you around here.
Yeah! Gordon...stick around...we
need all the help we can get.


John Inzer
Picture It! MVP
return e-mail disabled

Picture It! Support Center

Digital Image Support Center

Gord Dibben

Intentions are to learn much more about Digital Photography and this NG will
be on my regular harvesting route.

Excel NG's are my priority for contributions, but will contribute when/if I
can to this NG.


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