Forms & .htaccess



My two websites have been running for months. Suddenly the forms stopped
My hosting provider says
a9 they changed nothing and b9
i should delete all .htaccess files, afterwhich they would reset my
frontpage extensions. this has not helped.

what can i do? Is the hosting provider causing the problem?

Steve Easton

Just have them restore / repair the extensions.
You "shouldn't" have to do anything with the .htaccess files

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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My provider ( has reloaded the Frontpage extensions. result:
i can now upload only with frontpage's FTP, the web access does not work


the form now gives the error
The requested URL /_derived/nortbots.htm was not found on this server.

I have informed them of your response.

thks for the help.

Steve Easton

If your provider reinstalled the extensions, and you then published using FTP you have
broken / corrupted them again.

Have them restore them again and then do "Not" publish using FTP.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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