Fonts for headings and body of document

  • Thread starter Inexperienced Word User
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Inexperienced Word User

When I go into a document and want to update a font it asks for one font for
headings and one for body. What or where is the heading in a document? I
understand the body, because that is the only place I've noticed the change
correlating to my font choice.


I'm not sure what you mean by "update a font," but "heading" means the
one-line title before each section (or subsection) of a chapter. Word
2003's built-in heading styles use more than one font -- Arial for
levels 1-3, and Times New Roman thereafter, with various combinations
of bold and italic and size to set them off.

The built-in font for the Normal style is Times New Roman.

You can change the font in any style, but it works somewhat
differently in different versions of Word, so you need to say which
version you have.

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