first impressions on Vista Ultimate: disappointing


Olivier Marquet

First of all, I want to say that I am not a Microsoft "hater". I have bought
ad enjoyed all versions of Windows since Windows 95.

I have installed and tried out all versions of Vista beta, and enjoyed them.

But the RTM version and the pricing of Microsft is a shame.

First about the RTM version:

- The boot time is way longer than the latest beta, for I don't know what
- It appears to be impossible to use the back-up with my Maxtor Network
drive, because of an incredible complex security logic.
- The added value of Vista compared to XP is nil. The beta versions were
faster than XP, but this version is slow.
- Microsoft does no more innovate. The solutions chosen are way behind the
market. Just take the network mapper: a lot of softwares allow you to map
your network PC's independently of their OS. For Vita, you need to install
an add-on on all the PC's that are not Vista. The same is true for a lot of
features: they are minimal, and do not innovate. ( I think, amongst others,
about Upnp possibilities, back-up possibilities, the desktop etc.
- Windows once made me dream. Now it makes me scream. Vista is a regression
compared to XP.

About the pricing.

- In Europe, the prices are ridiculously high, compared to the US.
- No family license available in Europe. Why ? I have five PC's in network
at home. Not intending to buy five Vista licenses.

So my suggestion is, Microsoft, quickly review your pricing AND your offer.
Vista is really not worth the price you ask for it.

Ed Forsythe

Thanks for the eval Oliver. I've decided to wait for a few months, buy a
laptop with Vista Premium and play with it. If I'm not satisfied XP Pro
will remain on my box until MS fixes/updates Vista. Thanks again.


i agree with the pricing, its appalling, but i dont find the permission
thing a problem, since i have studied windows 2003 server, though i am still
at beginners levels regarding this. i had a problem with the first
installation, it was just getting on my nerves, the sound was just simply
not acceptable it kept on distorting for some reason, i decided to format
the drive rather than keep the old installation, like i did when i upgraded
from xp home. i find it is now working fine with some annoyances to ironed
out. like in IE7 it says that the shockwave plugin is installed but whenever
i try to go on a site that requires it, i goto the adobe's shockwave page,
says it has installed, go back to the page and it still isnt installed

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