"Find" isn't working?



Hi all.

I have an issue with MS Word. I have a 20 page document that I wanted to
run through with <Cntrl F> to find a person's name, so I can find all
mentions of his name in the document. Word says there are no hits. But Word
is WRONG - I see two instances on just the page I have open. Yes, I've
verified the spelling. Yes, I've restarted Word. No, Word will not find any
other words, it always says - everything comes up as "The search item was
not found." But the <Cntrl F> funtion is working fine in XL.


Tony Jollans

Find works. If it isn't finding what you're seeing that is because you have
not specified it as Word is seeing it, or have not specified the scope of
the search to include what you are seeing.

If Word isn't finding any words, the most likely explanation, assuming you
are starting with an insertion point, is that you have an option in force
that doesn't match your document content.

Is anything written under the "Find what" box?

Is the "No formatting" button available? (press "More" if you can't see
it). If available, click on it and try the Find again.

Are any options (visible when More has been pressed) checked?

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