favorites w/ personalized icons?


David Mack

Hi all,

A quick question: when I first bookmark a page to my favorites menu, it
often shows up with its own small icon in the drop-down menu (e.g. an old
english "T" for the New York Times, a red "S" for Salon magazine, etc.); on
further use, the individual icons get replaced with the bland default "e" of
IE. Where do the original (cooler) icons go, and how do I get them back?


Dave Mack


Hi all,

A quick question: when I first bookmark a page to my favorites menu, it
often shows up with its own small icon in the drop-down menu (e.g. an old
english "T" for the New York Times, a red "S" for Salon magazine, etc.); on
further use, the individual icons get replaced with the bland default "e" of
IE. Where do the original (cooler) icons go, and how do I get them back?

Favorite icons do not "stick" with IE6, you need a third-party application to do
that. PC Magazine has one but it is not free, have a look here:



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