exporting frameset-based TOC documents to acrobat




i own word 2007. i writing lots of long documents so i'm using TOC to ease
the navigation. usually i'm using frames where the TOC in on the left window
linked to its content in the right window.

i want to create the same structure in acrobat proffessional. excactly like
in all help documents and e-books where user can navigate, expad topics and

i'm looking days for a way to do it but cant find any.

Thanks in advance

Robert M. Franz [RMF]

Hello Shay
i own word 2007. i writing lots of long documents so i'm using TOC to ease
the navigation. usually i'm using frames where the TOC in on the left window
linked to its content in the right window.

i want to create the same structure in acrobat proffessional. excactly like
in all help documents and e-books where user can navigate, expad topics and

I suppose you have the "Save as PDF/XPS"-AddIn installed:

Office button | Save as | PDF or XPS | PDF, Options: create bookmarks
from Headings

then the resulting PDF will show the document structure on the left hand
side when the user displays bookmarks in Adobe Reader.


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