Export durations to an Excel spreadsheet


Duncan Edment

Here's the deal.

I have an Access database, containing Start Time & End Times that each
employee has worked on various projects. At the end of every month, I run a
query to retrieve all entries for a specific week in the month--e.g. from 26
January 2004 until 01 February 2004. This returns the total number of hours
that have been worked on each project for that week. This information is
then transferred, manually, to an Excel spreadsheet before being sent off to
our accountants for subsequent billing.

My question is, is it possible to automate this process? What I'm looking
for, is the query to return, for example, 5:35 as the duration worked on
Project X. For this information to then be placed in the Excel spreadsheet,
at the entry for Project X and the specified week.

Simple? Impossible? Difficult?

Can you help?



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Ken Snell

You can export a query to an EXCEL spreadsheet using the TransferSpreadsheet
command/action (VBA or macro). This outputs the entire query into the sheet.

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