Explorer responds lsowly when connected to network




My office system - Win XP SP2 ; 1.GHz 512MB RAM - is connected to LAN.

Whenever I right-click on a file, or double-click to open it, the response
time is *very* slow : takes almost 40 - 80 seconds.

I noticed that this happens only when I'm connected to the network.

I have tried virus scans, defragmenting, resizing page size, cleaning up the
hard-disk, but no improvement.

That's when I figured out the network criterion.

Thing is, my colleague's computer, with the same configuration work
perfectly fine, when connected to the same network.

I'm flummoxed!

Please help!


Thans, but -
I've already read this article, and tried out what's suggested.

But no improvement.

It's definately not due to extra menu-items in the context menu.

Any other ideas?



Ramesh, that did the trick!!

Thank you

It working great now, thanks a ton!

And just for info, the problem was occuring for all file types.

Thanks again Ramesh.


I seem to be having the same problem that 1 described and tried similar
solutions that 1 did. I was encouraged by his response to your suggestion,
but I don't understand it. First, I don't know specifically what/where the
RegScanner program is (not regedit, apparently). Secondly, if you find a
string "\\" in the data of the HKCR base key, what do you do about it?

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