Explorer list view bug



In XP, column widths in list view were automatically adjusted to file
name lengths when you entered a folder or refreshed it (F5).

I thought they just omitted that feature in Vista and replaced it with
fixed width columns, when they first removed list view and later
re-added it on user request.

Turns out that's not the case: it must be a bug.

Switch from list view to details and then back to list view: column
widths are auto-adjusted just like they would be in XP.

Now press F5 to refresh: the display jumps back back to wider columns.
It looks like it's using the width set for the name column in details


Lucvdv said:
Now press F5 to refresh: the display jumps back back to wider columns.
It looks like it's using the width set for the name column in details

After doublechecking: no, it's wider than that.

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