explorer.exe locks up >> autopatch



Is there a way to search for this on the XP Pro disks and extract it?

Everytime I right click on a folder I get "not responding" in the task
bar. I "end" the program, explorer.exe, my task bar with the start
button goes away and restarts.

I've tried to reload windows but am told I have a "newer" version, well
I have SP2 installed.

I've tried to slipstream my xp cabs with sp2 but get an error on it.
Somewhere I read only orginal xp can be slipstreamed, I have xp with

I downloaded the atuopatch, but the updates didn't fix.

Anyhelp would be great otherwise it backup files and format...


Sounds like explorer.exe is damaged. The quickest solution would be to
reinstall the OS. You can create splipstreamed bootable CD even from XP SP1.
You just need to have the proper language version and the SP2 package. If it
doesn't work come here again and post what the error message said.
You can try reinstall without SP2, then turn on your firewall, configure
your internet settings and either install SP2 from the file or donwload all
the updates. aving a clean install should work, just don't forget to back
everything up


Thanks. Here's the error message I get when slip streaming:

"failed to copy some or all of the files necessary for integrated

I "recopied" all the i386 files and the "whole" sp2 disk to directories
on my c:\ as \winxp & \winsp2 respectively.

These are the disks I've installed xs pro with on this computer :)

If found the explorer.ex_ in the xpsp2.exe file and extracted &
expanded it; booted from the "safe mode command" and copied it to the
\windows directory without any luck.

As far as I know, I'm using English just as I'm typing.


Is there a way to search for this on the XP Pro disks and extract it?

Everytime I right click on a folder I get "not responding" in the task
bar. I "end" the program, explorer.exe, my task bar with the start
button goes away and restarts.

I've tried to reload windows but am told I have a "newer" version, well
I have SP2 installed.

I've tried to slipstream my xp cabs with sp2 but get an error on it.
Somewhere I read only orginal xp can be slipstreamed, I have xp with

I downloaded the atuopatch, but the updates didn't fix.

Anyhelp would be great otherwise it backup files and format...

Problems that occur while right clicking are usually do to one of the
right click context menu handlers. See this link for tips on
troubleshooting it. Replacing explorer.exe won't help if the same
context menu handlers still hook in to it.

Right-click is slow or weird behavior caused by context menu handlers


Thanks, I'll check it out

I'd still like to get my xp slipstreamed if anyone know how....


Thanks. Got the slipstream to work. Reloaded windows and still have the
same issue.

tried the other thing you suggested to, but can't figure it out. Did
the tip suggested on the web site where you disable one half ect...
that just didn't work at all. Had to safe mode to get them enabled.

Any ideas what handlers I need to look at for when I right click on a
desktop folder and freezes the explorer.exe.




Thanks. Got the slipstream to work. Reloaded windows and still have the
same issue.

tried the other thing you suggested to, but can't figure it out. Did
the tip suggested on the web site where you disable one half ect...
that just didn't work at all. Had to safe mode to get them enabled.

Any ideas what handlers I need to look at for when I right click on a
desktop folder and freezes the explorer.exe.



Did you try disabling some of the windows handlers too. I saw one post
some time ago that it was a windows media extension causing the problem.


Thanks. I only found one mulit media handler with ShellExView.

If you know of anymore please let me know as disabling it didn't work.


Thanks. I only found one mulit media handler with ShellExView.

If you know of anymore please let me know as disabling it didn't work.

(e-mail address removed) wrote:

Did you try disabling some of the windows handlers too. I saw one post
some time ago that it was a windows media extension causing the problem.

Did you try disabling each of the windows one's one at a time?


Glad to hear you got shat slipstreamed CD working. As for the right-click
issue. Many apps install their context menu extensions so the problem might
be cause by that app not working or not working properly. Have you unistalled
or deleted some application round that time the bug first appeared. You
definitely need to identify what are you clicking on, what items should be in
the context menu and look for them in the registry. For example look for
companies or applications and compare them to what you have installed (and is
working properly) on your system. It wouldn't be good to delete them all..



I did on the one that had meda somewhere in one of the columns.

I have a lot - too many to fool w/

thanks for your input.


thanks. yea, w/ regards to the slipstream - needed the whole cd with
root not just \i386.

I give up. I just going to format and start over, but thanks to you and
others for input.

BUT, i bet you're right I install and try many different shareware

No mistake, I'm going to image my "core" drive next time.


I did on the one that had meda somewhere in one of the columns.

I have a lot - too many to fool w/

thanks for your input.

You're welcome. That's were disabling 1/2 at a time narrows it down


Hum, thought I mentioned that earlier. It locked up my machine. Had to
F8 to use that progam and enable all I disabled. Did it on both sides
of the list.


Hum, thought I mentioned that earlier. It locked up my machine. Had to
F8 to use that progam and enable all I disabled. Did it on both sides
of the list.

You may have. It's been a long thread and I didn't look back through
it. That is a concern when disabling the windows context menu handlers.
Try doing just a couple at at time if you want to check this further.


Again, thanks for the replies.

Not worth it. If there were a couple I could try, sure. You know
sometimes it better to start fresh:)

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