Desktop load problem (explorer.exe problem?)




My machine's OS is a Windows XP SP2 with last MS patches.

That's the problem I've got yesterday under these conditions

- The system wasn't upgraded. I usually review patches manually.
- Only virus definitions changed (Trendmicro).
- No software was installed or upgraded.

System startup is normal. When any user logs onto the system:

1- Desktop appears; that is, icons and tools bar. Everything goes fine
until system tray icons start to launch. Suddenly, desktop icons and
toolbars disappear and wallpaper jumps to first place

2- I must invoke task manager (No "explorer.exe" process in the
processes table) via "Ctrl+Alt+Supr" and I recover desktop and startup
process. I can't see previously loaded system tray icons, but I can
see those that stop load when problem ocurred.

It looks like "explorer.exe" get frozen.

3- It happens with all machine's users.

The tests I've done:

1- Start system in "safe mode". No problem is this mode.

2- Start without any programs in "All users" -> "Programs" -> "Start"
and without any value in
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run". I
got the same problem :- (

Any ideas about what is happening? Any other test?

Thanks in advance.




My machine's OS is a Windows XP SP2 with last MS patches.

That's the problem I've got yesterday under these conditions

- The system wasn't upgraded. I usually review patches manually.
- Only virus definitions changed (Trendmicro).
- No software was installed or upgraded.

System startup is normal. When any user logs onto the system:

1- Desktop appears; that is, icons and tools bar. Everything goes fine
until system tray icons start to launch. Suddenly, desktop icons and
toolbars disappear and wallpaper jumps to first place

2- I must invoke task manager (No "explorer.exe" process in the
processes table) via "Ctrl+Alt+Supr" and I recover desktop and startup
process. I can't see previously loaded system tray icons, but I can
see those that stop load when problem ocurred.

It looks like "explorer.exe" get frozen.

3- It happens with all machine's users.

The tests I've done:

1- Start system in "safe mode". No problem is this mode.

2- Start without any programs in "All users" -> "Programs" -> "Start"
and without any value in
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run". I
got the same problem :- (

Any ideas about what is happening? Any other test?

Thanks in advance.


im having the same problem in this post, only its isolated to one computer

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