Excel Excel - Two Database Formula extraction?

Apr 18, 2016
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I've been reading multiple forums trying to come up with a formula for the following but just can't seem to get any of them to work.

I have two databases:

Database 1 holds An Event Name, Event Time, First Name, Last Name and Email (columns A through E).
Database 2 holds fundraising information - Event Name, First Name, Last Name, Email (Columns A through D).

I need to find everyone in Database 1 and not in database 2 and then everyone in database 2 but not in database 1.

Let's say we use the email as the matching factor, I'd like it to locate a matching email in Database 2 and copy to a new column in database 1 moving it into the same row so I'd end up with all database 1 info and then first name, last name, email from database two.

Is this possible? I'm a complete novice at formulas, are there any cheat sites where I can create a formula in a really easy way?



I'm not weird, I'm a limited edition.
Mar 5, 2002
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I changed the title of your thread to better reflect what you were asking ... I know nothing about Excel anymore.

Mar 20, 2012
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I'm sure there are ways to do this with formulas, but I think there is a simpler solution. I would copy both of the full lists to a new worksheet, one after the other. Then go to the Data Tab and select Remove Duplicates (assuming you're in at least Excel 2007, if it's an older version, I forget where that command is). Select the columns you want to use to identify unique records, and it will leave you with a list that is all of the unique records from both lists.


Mar 25, 2003
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Good point @alow :)

As a slight alternative, it might be a good idea to add a new column to the combined database - showing which original database the line came from. For example, if you copy all the data from the first database, you could put a '1' in the new column to show where it came from. You could then use the Filter (under the Data tab) to arrange the data alphabetically (or in any way you want). You would then be able to see which data exists in only one spreadsheet - and the new column would tell you which column.

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