Excel dangerously low in resource



Anyone experienced?

It's very often that Excel hang. When i try to terminate
it by press Ctrl+Ald+del then it show the status Excel
not responding and the error msg appear: the system is
dangerously low in resources need the terminate the
And sometime it happen when i click on the preview option
or when i exit from excel.

Any help would be very much appreciated.


Norman Harker

Hi Kyan_dnk!

You don't mention details of your Operating System or Excel version

Most probable cause is an overfull C:Windows\Temp folder or it's
equivalent for your operating system.

It's safe to:

Close Down
Boot Up
Delete all files in the C:Windows\Temp folder

Another cause for Excel versions 2000 and before is that the xlb file
has become bloated. This saves toolbars and settings but is notorious
for increasing in size above a normal level of <20KB. If it's above
around 30KB it can be deleted (there's not much that can be done to
retrieve anything).

Report back with results
Norman Harker MVP (Excel)
Sydney, Australia
(e-mail address removed)
Excel and Word Function Lists (Classifications, Syntax and Arguments)
available free to good homes.


You do not mention how frequently this occurs. It seems that, like us,
poor old Excel needs a rest occasionally. There are warning signs, such
as menu opening and calculations taking longer than normal - and other
things just not working, especially in VB Editor functionality.

I habitually use Excel for most of every working day (since Version 2)
and routinely close and re-open it whenever convenient (at least twice
a day). I also close down any other applications not in current use.

Norman Harker

Hi BrianB!

The overfull C:\Windows\Temp is a frequent occurence.

The Windows\Temp file is used as a general dumping ground by programs
during the installation process. The trouble is that not all
installations clean up after themselves and sometimes the installation
is incomplete or aborted and over time a large amount of detritus
collects in there. (A bit like a programmer's office being the home of
once vital stuff like Pizza boxes and Coke bottles).

The trouble is that Excel needs to use that space as well. I think
that the issue is that the Temp folder is using up (and not letting go
of) the Swap File space that Excel also uses rather than Excel
actually using the Temp file.

Charles Williams is the expert in performance issues generally and he
has added, “Controls such as Userforms create a lot of temp files.
Sometimes the old ones don’t get deleted and so you get a build up.
When Excel opens a workbook containing these controls it checks all
the existing temp files, so this can take some time. Also they can get
corrupted and cause a crash.”

Whatever, the precise mechanics we do find that many problems are
arising just after a major install of a program and processing tend to
slow down over time.

You'll find it good housekeeping to clear out the Temp file every now
and again but make sure that you shut down the computer first just in
case there's a partially installed program that hasn't finished with
stuff its put in the Temp file.

The bloating xlb file is also quite common but seems to have been
corrected for Excel 2002 and 2003

The xlb file is where Excel stores your toolbar settings and any
special toolbars or buttons that you create. Don’t worry about the
absence of one of these files. When Excel completes the next
successful open and close, you will find it has created a new file.

As a precautionary measure. Once you have done any messing about with
your toolbars to get them how you want or to add new toolbars or
buttons, you should take a backup copy of it. If it bloats again, at
least you won't have to go back to scratch.

I hit my first bloated xlb file in 1997 and was probably one of the
first to do so because I was building a program that had a very
extensive menu. Even though you clean up after creating such menus on
the fly, there does seem to be a bug that causes the inflation in xlb

References for slow open and close problems include:

Opening/Saving Bottlenecks (Charles Williams)

Troubleshoot Startup Problems(MS):

Some tips on overcoming slow response (David McRitchie)

Norman Harker MVP (Excel)
Sydney, Australia
(e-mail address removed)
Excel and Word Function Lists (Classifications, Syntax and Arguments)
available free to good homes.

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