Error Message On Start Up



I have just gotten a new computer with Windows XP installed on it. When I log
on to my computer I get the following message: Diskette Failure 0 and at the
bottom of the page it says F1 Start F2 SetUp.

I don't have a floppy disk on my computer.

How can I get this message to stop appearing and just let me log in normally?

thank you


Enter Setup, by pressing (Del or Delete) while booting, then choose to (Load
Optimized Defaults), then Save and Exit setup. Hope it helps


I have just gotten a new computer with Windows XP installed on it. When I log
on to my computer I get the following message: Diskette Failure 0 and at the
bottom of the page it says F1 Start F2 SetUp.

I don't have a floppy disk on my computer.

How can I get this message to stop appearing and just let me log in normally?

thank you
This is a BIOS problem and has NOTHING to do with the OS. As such, it
is out of place here.

Ask elsewhere


Thank you so much for your help. I did as you said and that annoying little
message is gone :) I'm happy now.


kem said:
Someone here thought it was worth answering. Pardon me for bothering

Okay, but don't let it happen again or we shall be forced to taunt you a
second time.

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