error 0x81000303 help!


omar sharara

i have a serious problem when i sign into msn msngr. It
is the 0x81000303 error. i have read up a post about it
on this website, followed everything, n still didnt get
it to work. honestly, i think sum1 got into the system n
changed my password AND my secret question as well. I
tried using outlook AND msn msngr AND the hotmail website
from 3 different computers in different places, n was
told the error n tht the password or username is
incorrect. i REALLY dont know what to do. Ive provided my
friends email above "(e-mail address removed)" my email
address tht no longer works And my ONLY one is
(e-mail address removed). I REALLY need to get into my
account because my college which i am to attend this fall
emails me on this and has important emails stored on
it.Please help me. I really need my account back. if
there is a way to get into my account by giving me a new
password or changing my old one, please let me know. thnk


Hi Omar,

I was having the same issue and I think what I am going to suggest will
solve the issue for you.

If you did like me un-intentionaly to change someone's log in to MSN
messenger and you forgot to enter your password then what you require
to do is the following.

1- Have someone else sign into MSN Messnger and have the check mark to
sign in automatically.

2- Then sign in with your name and do not forget, you need to have it
to sign in you in automatically.

This will resolve the issue of when you attempting to click on MSN
messenger, Messenger sends the wrong password and it creats this error

Unfortunately there is no other way than that as Messemger doesn't have
a function to clean the history and the users.

Hope this helps.


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