Error # 0x800c0148



When I open my Windows mail, that used to display my mail properly, I now
receive this error: An unknown error has occurred. Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110,
Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800C0148

It also states "folders can not be displayed". This happened right in the
middle of me working with the folders! Please help!


Just now, for a few moments everything was working correctly again. Now its
all gone!! WHATS GOING ON??


Hi Pattie
I have found the same problem in my Windows Mail. It only works properly the
first time I start up the computer. If I then do anything or close it down -
that's it. Did you find a solution so far? Thanks for letting me know.
once the folders disappear there is also no way anymore in sending or
receiving mails or anything in that programme.

Gary VanderMolen

If you are running Norton or McAfee antivirus, uninstall them because
they are not compatible with Windows Mail.

Gary VanderMolen


I was told Microsoft was working on the fix. I never heard anything from
anyone. It had nothing to do with my virus software because I had shut it
down and still had the same problems. One day I came to my email to check on
it again and everthing was there working properly. That was about 3 weeks
ago and I have not had any problems since then. It was the strangest thing.
All I can think is that an automatic update ran on my pc and fixed the
problem itself. I wish I could offer more help because I know its so
frustrating. Try going and ensuring you have all the updates available on
your pc, then reboot and see if that helps. GOOD LUCK!


I have a problem where I have one message in my Inbox that will not
delete...I can ignore it because I can still send and recieve email, but it
is driving me nuts having it in there...if I uninstall the mcAfee, what do I
do as far as viruses, the computer will not be protected then will it? Is
there a version that is compatible?

Peter Foldes

Are you scanning your incoming and outgoing emails ? If yes , then disable the scanning feature and test


Peter Goddard said:
I have found the solution.. This is hard to accept as everyone has
already said the same thing.... It's down to McAfee.. I didn't unload
all of it, just the spam filter and hey presto...
0/10 for Dell: why the cluck do they load stuff on their PCs that
aren't even compatible: Grrrree!

In a word.. money.

They are paid by software companies to place crappy products
on the PCs and exploit the natural inertia of the customers.

It is not just Dell but a PC industry wide practice.


Does the\OETips site
infomation regarding "do no mail scanning apply to VISTA "Windows Mail" as

Gary VanderMolen

Yes it does.

Gary VanderMolen

Jo L said:
Does the\OETips site
infomation regarding "do no mail scanning apply to VISTA "Windows Mail" as


I just encountered this problem too.
Message: Error desconocido. Protocolo: SMTP, Puerto: 0, Seguridad (SSL): No,
Número de error: 0x800C0148

And it is also the pop3.
No, I don't have any antivirus running at all, and it has been working fine
until. now. now I have to reiniciate my computer everytime, and then it only
works once, and then I haev to restart again.

Please help....


It looks like you're set up to use port 0, which is seldom the correct port
for email. Check your internet provider's instructions for the correct port


PRG said:

I am experiencing exatly the same error.
This morning all was working and then suddenly i received this error

I have actualy no anti virus active. I had Symantec but uninstall it.

The same error appears.

I must say that Vista mail was very unstable, showing permanently
errors "unable to delete file".

Now I am looking for a solution because it doesnot work at all.

The exact same error as what? Many of who answer frequently here
are using Windows Mail to read the newsgroup, and don't have a
good way to go back to previous messages in the thread.

The error number is often not enough for us to give much information.
If you need more help, right click on the message and copy all of it
to your next message.

Which Symantec antivirus program? Most of those with the Norton
brand name tend to cause enough problems in Windows Mail that
they need to be uninstalled, then have this cleanup program run to
take care of what the uninstall left behind:


You may then need to remove your email program, then restart
Windows Mail and add the account again. We haven't heard
enough about Symantec antivirus programs without the Norton
brand name to make it clear if this also applies to them.

For the message you can't delete, download and install this
hotfix, with Windows Mail not running:


Although it's labelled as for mail stuck in the Outbox, it also works
in other folders. If you don't know whether you have a 32-bit version
of Vista or a 64-bit version, try the hotfix for the 32-bit version first.
The Vista SP1 update contains this hotfix and more, but takes longer
to install.

If this solves your problems, you may want a replacement antivirus
program that doesn't cause such problems. Most versions of the
McAfee antivirus program and a recent version of the Trend
antivirus program are bad choices; they cause problems in Windows
Mail too. I recommend either avast! or AVG, either one with a
custom install that tells it to leave out the part that scans email.


PRG said:
Thank you for reply,

1) I was quoting the error code Error # 0x800c0148.
2) This is the message when going for e.mail via pop3: " Ocorreu um
erro desconhecido. Protocolo: SMTP, Porta: 0, Secure(SSL): Não, Número
do Erro: 0x800C0148
Ocorreu um erro desconhecido. Conta: 'POP.NOVIS.PT', Servidor:
'', Protocolo: POP3, Porta: 110, Secure(SSL): Não, Número do
Erro: 0x800C0148".

3) This a genuine toshiba installation with genuine Norton (Symantec
I have it uninstalled with symantec removal tools.

4) system has SP1 "Windows6.0-KB936330-X86-wave1" update plus daily
update via MS.

So at this moment I just cannot use the Vista Mail nor send nor receive

Hope this help you to help me.

Error messages referring to port 0 are often due to so much interference
from an antivirus program that Windows Mail is unable to look up the
correct port number. They can also be due to having the wrong port
number entered on the page you reach by clicking Tools, then Accounts,
then your email account, then Properties, then Advanced. Few email
providers tell you to use port 0.

Toshiba computers often come with a program with SMS in its name
already installed, even though this program interferes with Windows
Mail. Check for such a program on your list of installed programs,
and if you find one, give us its full name.

Allso check this list for the Google Toolbar program, and if you find
it, uninstall it. Websites that let you do a Google search don't count,
since they don't cause the same problems.

Some antispyware programs and antispam programs also cause
problems in Windows Mail, although less often than antivirus programs.
List any such programs you have.

Are you still able to reach web sites?

Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

PRG said:
Thank you for reply,

1) I was quoting the error code Error # 0x800c0148.
2) This is the message when going for e.mail via pop3: " Ocorreu um
erro desconhecido. Protocolo: SMTP, Porta: 0, Secure(SSL): Não, Número
do Erro: 0x800C0148
Ocorreu um erro desconhecido. Conta: 'POP.NOVIS.PT', Servidor:
'', Protocolo: POP3, Porta: 110, Secure(SSL): Não, Número do
Erro: 0x800C0148".

3) This a genuine toshiba installation with genuine Norton (Symantec
I have it uninstalled with symantec removal tools.

4) system has SP1 "Windows6.0-KB936330-X86-wave1" update plus daily
update via MS.

So at this moment I just cannot use the Vista Mail nor send nor receive

Hope this help you to help me.

Again, uninstall the SMS stuff that comes with a Toshiba laptop

Gary VanderMolen

Uninstall that Desktop SMS program. It causes problems
with Windows Mail.

Google Toolbar must also be uninstalled.


PRG said:
Dear Gary,

It seems that your recommendation was succeessfull.
Just after uninstalling the SMS mail work again.
Now I have Symantec also uninstalled.
What do you suggest to use as antispam/virus?

Thank you for your help !


For some of the Symantec antivirus programs, you need to run this
cleanup program after the ininstall:


You may then need to remove your email account under Windows
Mail, then restart Windows Mail and add the account again.

For a replacement antivirus program, avoid the Norton, McAfee,
and Trend antivirus programs, since they cause problems in
Windows Mail. If you want an antivirus program free for home use,
I recommend either avast! or AVG, either one with a custom
install where you tell it to leave out the part that scans email.

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