error 0x8004005 cant receive or send



I have had windows vista for a year and as of the 11th of July I cannot
access it and I can get mail from my isp server, I have tried cmd in the
search field sfc /scannow and it says ok. here is the message An unknown
error has occurred. Account: ' ', Server: '',
Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x80004005 any and
ALL replies would be certainly appreciated, this is making me whacko! Thanks!

Gary VanderMolen

"Unknown error" is almost always caused by your antivirus program.
Several major brand antivirus programs are not fully compatible with
Windows Mail, although it may take some time before problems start
showing up. Which antivirus is it?


I just have the windows firewall that came with this hp slimline s3100n and
also the Windows defender, which when I did an update on the 11th is when
this all happened and it says that that particular update is non removable~my
wireless router I finally got reset and working. I have called my isp 15
times and they said that microsoft has to release something to unblock a code
or something~which I never heard of such a thing! Thanks, I see you help alot
of people on here~this has me miffed and I have searched the internet and all
forums and it is NeRve~r~aCkiN~G

Gary VanderMolen

So, are you saying you have no antivirus at all?
Didn't the computer come with a trial version of Norton or McAfee when
it was new? Any anti-spyware programs?
Are you using the Google Toolbar?

As a possible quick fix, try this. Delete that email account, restart
Windows Mail, then recreate the account. Sometimes accounts get
corrupted for no apparent reason.

Gary VanderMolen, MS-MVP (Mail)

robert said:
I just have the windows firewall that came with this hp slimline s3100n and
also the Windows defender, which when I did an update on the 11th is when
this all happened and it says that that particular update is non removable~my
wireless router I finally got reset and working. I have called my isp 15
times and they said that microsoft has to release something to unblock a code
or something~which I never heard of such a thing! Thanks, I see you help alot
of people on here~this has me miffed and I have searched the internet and all
forums and it is NeRve~r~aCkiN~G


Gary, it says Malware protection virus protection not found only the windows
defender is on and the Windows firewall is on. I did get a trial version of
Norton on here and it ran out so I uninstalled it after it ran out in 90
days? I do have google in my main page but not in my toolbar. I have
around 2000 emails in there with family pics and letters and confirmations of
bills paid. I did see the page that goes through all the backing up of files
and all. I would not know exactly where to begin to just delete an account
and , I do have all my pop server numbers and such, but it seems to go back
to that stupid error. I hate that this happened after a year on windows mail
and all was so well with it~I think it was that defender update that is
unremovable or smart data or something I have even went back and restored it
to June 15 and no go. I did get my router working again~what a mess! Thanks
for your help I really appreciate it alot. I still have to figure out what to
do cause I do not want to lose those emails! my isp is quite over me at this


For Norton antivirus programs, even free trial versions, just uninstalling
is often not enough to stop them from causing problems in Windows Mail.
You often then have to run this cleanup program to finish removing them:


You may then need to remove your email account under Windows Mail,
then restart Windows Mail and add the account again. Most people have no
problem with losing their old messages due to this, but I'll leave it to
Gary to
suggest how to back up your old messages if you feel a need to do this.


It's the Google Toolbar program that causes problems in Windows Mail,
not web pages that let you do a Google search, so your main
page is not a problem. Also check your list of installed programs for
Google Desktop and SMS Desktop, two more programs that cause
problems in Windows Mail, and if you find any of these three programs
there, uninstall them.

If this solves your problems, you may want a replacement antivirus program
that doesn't cause such problems in Windows Mail. Avoid using one from
Norton, McAfee, or Trend, the three brands that cause the most problems
in Windows Mail. Also, avoid having more than one antivirus program
installed at a time. I recommend either avast! or AVG, either one with a
custom install where you tell it to leave out the parts that scan email.

If that doesn't solve your problem, check if it changes any part of
your error message. If it does, right click on your error message
and copy all of it to your next message.

Another Robert

robert said:
Gary, it says Malware protection virus protection not found only the
defender is on and the Windows firewall is on. I did get a trial version
Norton on here and it ran out so I uninstalled it after it ran out in 90
days? I do have google in my main page but not in my toolbar. I
around 2000 emails in there with family pics and letters and confirmations
bills paid. I did see the page that goes through all the backing up of
and all. I would not know exactly where to begin to just delete an account
and , I do have all my pop server numbers and such, but it seems to go
to that stupid error. I hate that this happened after a year on windows
and all was so well with it~I think it was that defender update that is
unremovable or smart data or something I have even went back and restored
to June 15 and no go. I did get my router working again~what a mess!
for your help I really appreciate it alot. I still have to figure out what
do cause I do not want to lose those emails! my isp is quite over me at


Holy jeepers Batman~I am getting so many different suggestions it is making
my head spin:) I will need a break from this for a bit b4 I go into overload
and do something incorrectly and suffer the conscequences. I deleted that
trial version of Norton 9 months ago. I am gonna ck and see if I got Google
desktop or SMS desktop. when I type in start search Act! the favorites come
up and properties are taskbar and start menu. I am gonna have to fiddle with
this for a bit, cause HP wants me to do a total factory resetting which gosh
is alot of work and backup and hassle especially with a router and passwords
and all that entails! Thanks 4 your help my brain is fried just trying all
this and thinking of it. I do have a copy of webroot Spy Sweeper I bought at
the time and never installed it, I wonder if that would be an ok one? it says
it is windows vista ready. Thanks again!!!!


a quick question~how do I find my user name and password for using windows
mail? Thanks so much helpers

robert said:
Holy jeepers Batman~I am getting so many different suggestions it is making
my head spin:) I will need a break from this for a bit b4 I go into overload
and do something incorrectly and suffer the conscequences. I deleted that
trial version of Norton 9 months ago. I am gonna ck and see if I got Google
desktop or SMS desktop. when I type in start search Act! the favorites come
up and properties are taskbar and start menu. I am gonna have to fiddle with
this for a bit, cause HP wants me to do a total factory resetting which gosh
is alot of work and backup and hassle especially with a router and passwords
and all that entails! Thanks 4 your help my brain is fried just trying all
this and thinking of it. I do have a copy of webroot Spy Sweeper I bought at
the time and never installed it, I wonder if that would be an ok one? it says
it is windows vista ready. Thanks again!!!!

Gary VanderMolen

I would not install Webroot Spy Sweeper until you get all your email
issues squared away. It will just complicate the troubleshooting effort
at this point. Go ahead and carry out all the suggestions that 'robertmiles'
gave you. Deleting an email account in Windows Mail will not delete
any emails. Don't do the total restore to factory settings that HP is
recommending. That is their cheap & easy way out of any time-consuming
support issues.

Gary VanderMolen, MS-MVP (Mail)

robert said:
Holy jeepers Batman~I am getting so many different suggestions it is making
my head spin:) I will need a break from this for a bit b4 I go into overload
and do something incorrectly and suffer the conscequences. I deleted that
trial version of Norton 9 months ago. I am gonna ck and see if I got Google
desktop or SMS desktop. when I type in start search Act! the favorites come
up and properties are taskbar and start menu. I am gonna have to fiddle with
this for a bit, cause HP wants me to do a total factory resetting which gosh
is alot of work and backup and hassle especially with a router and passwords
and all that entails! Thanks 4 your help my brain is fried just trying all
this and thinking of it. I do have a copy of webroot Spy Sweeper I bought at
the time and never installed it, I wonder if that would be an ok one? it says
it is windows vista ready. Thanks again!!!!

Gary VanderMolen

The username and password don't belong to Windows Mail, they
belong to whatever service you download your email from.
The username can be seen in Windows Mail: Tools, Accounts,
select that account, Properties, Servers. The password will not
be revealed. If you have forgotten it, all you can do is call your
email provider and have them reset it.


Well still a no go. I used the Norton uninstall. I have disabled Windows
Defender since I cannot delete that program or any updates associated with
it. I removed my account from windows mail and then redid it and hmmm I think
I did most all of the stuff that both Gary's suggested i still get the same
error as always. An unknown error has occurred. Account: '',
Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 995, Secure(SSL): Yes,
Error Number: 0x80004005 I cannot figure what next to do~I think I have
tried all the suggestions except not got any antivirus software installed. I
sorta am at a loss:(:( Thanks guys 4 your help and suggestions,I am gonna go
back and re-read to make sure I did all of what you said.


Well still a no go. I used the Norton uninstall. I have disabled Windows
Defender since I cannot delete that program or any updates associated with
it. I removed my account from windows mail and then redid it and hmmm I think
I did most all of the stuff that both Gary and Robert suggested i still get
the same error as always. An unknown error has occurred. Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 995,
Secure(SSL): Yes, Error Number: 0x80004005 I cannot figure what next to
do~I think I have tried all the suggestions except not got any antivirus
software installed. I sorta am at a loss:(:( Thanks guys 4 your help and
suggestions,I am gonna go back and re-read to make sure I did all of what you

Gary VanderMolen

I assume that '' is a typo, or else the error message
would have said "No such host'.

Try this:
In your browser go to and log in.
Then clean out all the folders in your webmail. If you want to save
any messages, create a new folder and move those messages to the
new folder. Empty the spam and thrash folders also. Close webmail,
then try Windows Mail again.

It should not be necessary to disable Windows Defender since it is
known to be 100% compatible with Windows Mail.


Gary, the guy at had me change settings which I have since changed
back he had me do 995 for incoming and he is the second person to have me do
the spop~which I have since changed back to 110. I still get the same exact
error. I did get the Avast! and did the scan and no errors. I cleaned those
folders out and made new folders for cox mail. I just cannot think of
anything else to do, since I cant get it to go into windows mail with the
error~I have reread both your and Dave's helpful hints and I am at a loss. I
have used outlook express since 1999, and now windows mail for a year, so
this is QUITE a toughie for me!!!! I am just really at a brick wall~I feel
lost and frustrated~I have went in and changed the settings each time they
tell me to and I know the error code number in my memory! I guess I could
read through some other discussion threads for programs or something? I am
not even sure that would help me. The only thing I have not done is in the
safe mode thing? Here is one thread I found, I am gonna reply back to Dave
also. Thanks, and if there is something that jumps out at you let me know, I
certainly appreciate all of your help!!


Robert, I did get avast and ran it and no problems there. I did the uninstall
Norton page and got that done, I do believe I have everything all have told
me to do in this thread. An unknown error has occurred. Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110,
Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x80004005 I do not know why it says
Secure(SSL) cause I do not have that checked. I have changed the port back
from 995 to 110 and I just cannot figure this darn thing out! Does Microsoft
want us all having these problems to sign up for windows live you think? I
think that cost each month. I have used outlook express since 1999 and
windows mail for a year with no problem, so I am REALLY feeling so frustrated
and lost and all that goes with that. Ihave called my server say 10 or 15
times since July 11th, and they say it is a microsoft issue and that I am
receiving my mail fine from cox. I certainly appreciate your help and if you
can think of anything more I will and have tried most everything except safe
mode and I am afraid to push some keys on keyboard for fear of losing
something! But I have done I believe EVERYTHING all have given me in this
post. Thanks again SINCERELY,


Dave, I got it changed back to port 110 and not secure. same error message!
An unknown error has occurred. Account: '', Server:
'', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number:
0x80004005 I have not checked secure! That first link did not work for cox
support I might try and copying it and pasting it. If I cannot get my cox
mail to windows mail I do not know how windows live works or if I could get
it to them and I think that is a monthly charge to use their service from
reading their agreement. Thanks for all your help I have been using outlook
express since 1999 and windows mail for 1 year so you could understand my
FRUSTRATION with this. I believe I have tried EVERYTHING all the posters have
told me to do in this thread. not sure if I tried the safe mode though. there
is a site I saw here is the link
-- I appreciate all of your help Sincerely,

Gary VanderMolen

I checked that last error message you included in your reply to Robert,
and all your settings are correct. "Secure(SSL): No" is a correct setting
for use with port 110. So, at this point it is a mystery to me why you
are continuing to get that error message.

I don't know if it will help, but you could try Windows Live Mail.
It is free. If it turns out you don't like it, just uninstall, and Windows Mail
is back as before.


Are you connected to Cox (at home) when this error occurs? Cox is a cable
company, and like my Roadrunner, they don't seem to provide a method of
sending when you're off their network. They only provide webmail access for

If you were using Norton, or any other program that scans email, it may have
corrupted the account in Windows Mail. You might try removing all accounts
from Windows Mail, restarting your computer, and add the account back in.

If that fails, then I would try Windows Live Mail. It's newer and doesn't
cost anything.


Did you use the standard install for avast!? If so, it sometimes helps to
uninstall it, then do a custom install where you tell it to leave out the
which scan email.

Also, check your list of installed programs for any of these three:
Google Toolbar, Google Desktop, and SMS Desktop. If you find
any of these, uninstall them, since they also cause problems in Windows

If you need to make any of the above changes, you may then need to
remove your email account under Windows Mail again, then
restart Windows Mail, then add the account again. apparantly has more than one set of email servers. Look here
to make sure you're trying to connect to the correct set for your location:


If this doesn't help, make sure you've listed any antispyware programs,
antispam programs, firewall programs, and other security programs on
your machine somewhere in this thread. Some of them tend to cause
problems in Windows Mail, but at least not as often as the Norton,
McAfee, and Trend antivirus programs do. If such programs run on the
server instead of on your machine, they aren't likely to cause problems
that you can fix.

Note that the description of Windows Live Mail in:

is for a rather old version, and therefore could lead you to downloading
that rather old version. See here if you want the latest version instead:

Also, check if the error code you put in the header is a typo for the
error code mentioned here:

If it is, this could at least give you some idea what to check for, even
it was written for Outlook Express instead of Windows Mail.

Another Robert again

robert said:
Robert, I did get avast and ran it and no problems there. I did the
Norton page and got that done, I do believe I have everything all have
me to do in this thread. An unknown error has occurred. Account:
'', Server: '', Protocol: POP3, Port: 110,
Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x80004005 I do not know why it says
Secure(SSL) cause I do not have that checked. I have changed the port back
from 995 to 110 and I just cannot figure this darn thing out! Does
want us all having these problems to sign up for windows live you think? I
think that cost each month. I have used outlook express since 1999 and
windows mail for a year with no problem, so I am REALLY feeling so
and lost and all that goes with that. Ihave called my server say 10 or 15
times since July 11th, and they say it is a microsoft issue and that I am
receiving my mail fine from cox. I certainly appreciate your help and if
can think of anything more I will and have tried most everything except
mode and I am afraid to push some keys on keyboard for fear of losing
something! But I have done I believe EVERYTHING all have given me in this
post. Thanks again SINCERELY,

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