Emails appearing on Desktop



Emails from my inbox are appearing on my desktop ( as .msg).
They are appearing has enveplope icons with the subject as the file name.
The only thing i can think of would be them autosaving to a default location
(my desktop) but i cant seem to find an option in Outlook (2003) to change
this location.
Any suggestions?


Roady [MVP]

Does that happen for all new messages you receive? Did you by any chance
dragged them out of Outlook onto you Desktop?


No, not all the message is recieve end up on the desktop.
I don't think i have dragged them onto my desktop, i tend not to drag my
items as i drop them before i get to the right folder. I use 'Move Folder'
option in the Left Click Menu.

Roady said:
Does that happen for all new messages you receive? Did you by any chance
dragged them out of Outlook onto you Desktop?

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

Kaightie said:
Emails from my inbox are appearing on my desktop ( as .msg).
They are appearing has enveplope icons with the subject as the file name.
The only thing i can think of would be them autosaving to a default
(my desktop) but i cant seem to find an option in Outlook (2003) to change
this location.
Any suggestions?


Roady [MVP]

There is no other built-in method in Outlook to do this in bulk or without
explicitly going through File-> Save As...-> *.msg
If it continues to happen check your add-ins.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

Kaightie said:
No, not all the message is recieve end up on the desktop.
I don't think i have dragged them onto my desktop, i tend not to drag my
items as i drop them before i get to the right folder. I use 'Move Folder'
option in the Left Click Menu.

Roady said:
Does that happen for all new messages you receive? Did you by any chance
dragged them out of Outlook onto you Desktop?

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

Kaightie said:
Emails from my inbox are appearing on my desktop ( as .msg).
They are appearing has enveplope icons with the subject as the file
The only thing i can think of would be them autosaving to a default
(my desktop) but i cant seem to find an option in Outlook (2003) to
this location.
Any suggestions?



Kaightie said:
Emails from my inbox are appearing on my desktop ( as .msg).
They are appearing has enveplope icons with the subject as the file name.

the only thing this kind of thing happened at my network it was done by

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