emailing of an MS Word .doc file fails


David SC

I attached an MS Word .doc file to an email I was sending through Windows
Mail in Vista. Attaching was easy, but the email program would not recognize
the .doc file. Can anyone help?

Gary VanderMolen

Can you explain what you mean by "the email program would not
recognize the .doc file"? Are you talking about the sender's email
program or the recipient's email program? What was the exact error

David SC

I attached the .doc from MS Word successfully. When I hit "send" the file
was not recognized, and asked if I wanted to send the email without the
attached file.

Gary VanderMolen

Make sure the file you were attaching was not open somewhere
else, like in Microsoft Word.
Also, go to Tools, Safety Options, Security, uncheck "Do not
allow attachments..."

David SC

For the benefit of others, the solution was not having the file I was
attaching open somewhere else. Thank you Gary!

Make sure the file you were attaching was not open somewhere
else, like in Microsoft Word.
Also, go to Tools, Safety Options, Security, uncheck "Do not
allow attachments..."

Gary VanderMolen

You're welcome, David.
Strangely enough, the newer Windows Live Mail does not have that
limitation, so it is not a Vista peculiarity.

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