Email spell check with signature



Hi, I don't know how to set spell check as a default setting or English UK as
the language when I use an email signature; I can set my emails to spell
check when I don't use a signature. Can anyone help please? Thanks.


Schnapps said:
Hi, I don't know how to set spell check as a default setting or English UK as
the language when I use an email signature; I can set my emails to spell
check when I don't use a signature. Can anyone help please? Thanks.

Might help if you could share with us what email program you're using.


Frank Saunders MS-MVP IE,OE/WM

Schnapps said:
Hi, I don't know how to set spell check as a default setting or English UK
the language when I use an email signature; I can set my emails to spell
check when I don't use a signature. Can anyone help please? Thanks.

Assuming that you are asking about Windows Mail, I'm afraid American is all
that's available. You could add English spellings to your custom dictionary
as WinMail rejects them.


Alias is a Mozilla's agent. If you say what program you are using (as if he
does not know what you are talking about--LOL) the next thing he will
recommend the malware to you.


Some people are just too ignorant to understand
the depth of their ignorance.

Competition is a good thing. It's sad there are those
who do do not understand that concept.

The best thing to ever happen to Internet Explorer
was Mozilla and Firefox.


Terry R.

The date and time was 1/16/2008 7:19 AM, and on a whim, alexB pounded
out on the keyboard:
Alias is a Mozilla's agent. If you say what program you are using (as if he
does not know what you are talking about--LOL) the next thing he will
recommend the malware to you.

Clearly you do NOT know what you're talking about.

Terry R.

***Reply Note***
Anti-spam measures are included in my email address.
Delete NOSPAM from the email address after clicking Reply.


I may hate to do it but I must agree with you.

It does not change the fact that Mozilla is a terrible application, that it
screws uses up in a monumental way. I installed Firefox and Thunderbird on
my Win2K about 8 years ago. It completely erased my hotmail accounts. It was
all Mozilla. I had to manually hack Mozilla's nodes from my registry and it
took a week because all it did on uninstall was to remove the desktop icon.
I could not get my hotmail accounts back, I could not get my IE

Any software that does not want to uninstall itself gracefully is malware.
It is made by criminals. Mozilla is a reincarnation of Netscape and they
touted their email browser and there was a big hype. Like Sun Microsystems
with their ill fated java they threatened to ruin MS. Somebody wise said:
"MS has a track record of coming to the markets late but ruining its
competitors anyway." It is a very wise saying. It happened to Netscape also.
All those guys, and I suspect you are one of them, hate MS.
(Parenthetically, that fellow made this observation when he learned that MS
was entering the search engine market thus threatening Google. It was the
only instance MS failed, very ironically).

All said and done, my heart goes out for small businesses that try to make
ends meet, do innovations and a big fish steals their ideas, appropriates
them and ends up being a winner. But from the standpoint of the end user who
I am IT IS THE GREATEST THING IN THE WORLD. Had MS not been successful with
it we would have still used Netscape. The major and incredible achievement
of MS is that they integrated improvements made by Netscape into a massive,
absolutely enormous OS. You may not even comprehend the enormity of MS
support for all sorts if users. A lot of it is visible only to people who do
development and are nosy enough to dig thru their websites. Kudos to MS.
Down with Mozilla. If they want to do something new they should start from
scratch. And it must be totally new, not rehashing of the old.

All those cheep slogans you throw in to defend your racket like: "people do
not understand the value of competition, etc." are cheep demagoguery on your
part, nothing more. I do understand the value of competition. It is reality
for me on a daily basis.


alexB said:
I may hate to do it but I must agree with you.

It does not change the fact that Mozilla is a terrible application, that
it screws uses up in a monumental way. I installed Firefox and
Thunderbird on my Win2K about 8 years ago.

Yadda, yadda, yadda. Eight years ago? Giggle.



alexB said:
I may hate to do it but I must agree with you.

It does not change the fact that Mozilla is a terrible application, that
it screws uses up in a monumental way. I installed Firefox and
Thunderbird on my Win2K about 8 years ago.
Highly unlikely.
"October 19, 2005 - Firefox surpasses 100 million downloads just before
its 1st anniversary."
If you are going to attack something, at least use info based on fact.
It completely erased my


Well, at least we can agree on something.

However, "about 8 years ago", come on Alex.
Even if Firefox was actually around 8 years ago
(it wasn't), don't you think it would have improved
by now? It has improved. You really don't make
too much sense most of the time.

Netscape 6 was horrible, but since then, Mozilla
and Firefox have improved tremendously.
If you haven't tried Firefox lately, then you have
not a clue as to what you are talking about.



Well, at least we can agree on something.

However, "about 8 years ago", come on Alex.
Even if Firefox was actually around 8 years ago
(it wasn't), don't you think it would have improved
by now? It has improved. You really don't make
too much sense most of the time.

Netscape 6 was horrible, but since then, Mozilla
and Firefox have improved tremendously.
If you haven't tried Firefox lately, then you have
not a clue as to what you are talking about.

I have to agree here. Even though I use WLM, I'd have to say overall
Thunderbird is a better app. Only reason I use WLM is that I don't have to
use IE to access my hotmail, and Windows Live Writer interfaces directly
with it, and that is what I use to write my blogs.

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