Spell Check



When Spell Check checks out my outgoing messages, it also checks out m Custom
Signature which includes an email address. It gives corrections for this
signature every time I send an email. Anyone know a way to use spell check
without it checking your signature?


I am new here, but, i didn't just get off the shrimp boat. I never asked for
assistance by email. asked a simple question just like everyone else here.
what is your problem?

Gary VanderMolen

When spell check offers corrections, just click 'Add', which will add that
word to your custom dictionary. It won't bother you again about it.

Incidentally, Peter's signature always has a standard disclaimer that he
does not provide assistance via email. It was not specifically addressed
at you.


Great tip on the "add" for spell check!

Gary VanderMolen said:
When spell check offers corrections, just click 'Add', which will add that
word to your custom dictionary. It won't bother you again about it.

Incidentally, Peter's signature always has a standard disclaimer that he
does not provide assistance via email. It was not specifically addressed
at you.

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