Edits do not show on one computer but do when forward to others.



This is a very unusual problem and I am hoping you can help.

Karen creates document

email's to laurie

laurie edits document

emails back to karen

karen's document does not show laurie's edits.

Karen emails copy of document to laurie and Ron

The document she emails does not show edits, when laurie and ron recieve
documents changes are shown.

Laurie saves document in shared drive.

Karen pulls up shows the one with no edits.

laurie pulls from shared drive shows corrected copy

Ron pulls from shared drive shows corrected copy.

so what is going on with Karen's computer????

Herb Tyson [MVP]

It sounds like Karen is not displaying tracked changes. You don't say what
version of Word this is, but if none of the edits are showing, that suggests
she's using Word 2002 or earlier, and is set to show the Original document
rather than Final with Markup.

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