E-mail fonts and color disappearance


Betty Colton

On Write a Message the two icons to change fonts and color suddenly
disappeared and nothing brings them back-have been to page to change
font and color but it doesn't do anything on the message page but does
change other web page fonts. I contacted interactive tech. support which
told me to set up a Hotmail account which doesn't make sense to me and
try as I might the account wouldn't conclude. Help,please.



Can u specify what program are you using to compose your mails. are you using a webbased mail service or are you using any mail application. It is likely that you have switched off the Rich view which enables you to spruce up your text. The default settings is Normal view which is just plain text. There should be a button or a drop down box which says "switch to advanced formatting". Click that and you will be able to see the toolbars with fonts and color picker

M. Rajes
..Net and Windows Shell MV

----- Betty Colton wrote: ----

On Write a Message the two icons to change fonts and color suddenl
disappeared and nothing brings them back-have been to page to chang
font and color but it doesn't do anything on the message page but doe
change other web page fonts. I contacted interactive tech. support whic
told me to set up a Hotmail account which doesn't make sense to me an
try as I might the account wouldn't conclude. Help,please

Betty Colton

Hi: Thankx for responding-am on MSN9 ,Windows XP Home and using MSN
mail. I have rich formatting checked which brought up the font,size and
color icons. but the color does not show up on the write page after a
color is chosen-a real mystery???

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