DVD Drive Missing and other problems


Sergio Marti

Recently, after installing a trial version of the cd burning software
Alcohol 120% I rebooted (as the

instructions tell you to do) only to find that Windows wouldn't boot. The
BIOS saw my drive but no splash screen

or anything. Booting the WinXP CD I was able to see my hard drive.
Unfortunately, instead of running fixboot or

fixmbr I just did a Repair install. Once I got into Windows I noticed my
DVD drive was missing from Explorer and

from the Hardware Manager.

I've installed my drivers and updated to SP2 but still have this problem.

Other symptoms I've noticed are that certain drivers won't install. If the
driver has its own Setup program it

works, but running an Update Driver from the Hardware Manager always says
that no better driver is found when I

point it to the driver (even though I have installed these previously but
they aren't being used now, such as AMD

Cool n' Quiet support).

In addition, sometimes when rebooting (not shutting down, though) I get a

My DVD drive (NEC ND-2510A) is on the hardware compatibility chart.

I have already looked at the registry entry
and removed the LowerFilter key (no UpperFilter key present) as others
suggested but this had no effect.

Anyone have suggestions to fix these problems? Thanks.


Alcohol 120% Support and Forums:

Save the file below to your hard drive. Navigate to where you saved it and
double click the file. A confirmation dialog will appear when the script is
done. You may need to reboot for the change to take effect.

Restore CD/DVD in Explorer

CD-ROM Drive or DVD-ROM Drive Missing After You Install Windows XP

This allows the install to proceed to completion.

Note: doing this alters the default protection only for this
operation/setup program... it does NOT disable it permanently.

1. Browse to the appropriate Setup.exe or Install.exe program
2. Right click on the setup program and select "Run As..."
3. Uncheck the box that says protect my computer and data from unauthorized
program activity.

Note: Doing this alters the default protection only for this
operation/setup program... it does NOT disable it permanently.

Sergio Marti

I've run the cdgone script before and I tried the vbs you pointed to.
Unfortunately neither worked. I'm thinking of just installing WinXP fresh
at this point. Anyone have a pointer to how to do a clean install but keep
apps (mostly) working? Like saving the Start Menu, Profiles, etc. I assume
it's just saving specific directories.

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