** DVD / CD-ROM drive disappeared **

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kumaran
  • Start date Start date
Sorry for the delay in responding.

"Did you try the troubleshooter? If yes, what were the results?"

I did but it couldn't help me.

"ImagePath" - When you use the registry editor, it shows the hex values in
plain language. What does it show as the path to the cdrom.sys file? Does a
copy of the file exist at that stated location?

System32\DRIVERS\cdrom.sys - Yes

The first thing I would try is exporting another key or two that also shows
the system32 folder as part of the path. Compare the hex values to see if
that stray 53 shows up on all of them or if it comes up as a 73. Reason: If
the path is damaged, the cdrom.sys file is not being found and that event
could stop the drive from being initialized. We want to make sure what
value (73 or 53) should be showing in your registry.

For disk.reg; ImagePath System32/DRIVERS/disk.sys

"DisplayName"="Disk Driver

For Flpydisk.reg; ImagePath System32/DRIVERS/flpydisk.sys

"DisplayName"="Floppy Disk Driver

For Netbios.reg; ImagePath System32/DRIVERS/netbios.sys

"DisplayName"="NetBIOS Interface"

The hex values are consistently 53.

Ironically after extracting these Keys I returned to Device Manager and
clicked on IDE Controllers.
There were 3. One Master with a slave and one Standard controller.
I disabled the master (a mistake), lost my HD. My Rom Drive was slaved off
the HD, so after shutting down I placed it on its own cable. (Something which
hadn't worked previously.) Upon reaching the deaktop after rebooting
a window poped up giving the DVD make and model. Then a CD-ROM window
poped up saying new hardware had been detected. I went back into Device
Manager and found 4 IDE Controllers. I re-enabled the Master ans disabled
the slave.
I went into My Computer and found the Rom Drive from there it worked
normally. Ever since it's been fine for two weeks now.
Thank you for your help Sharon.
The hex values are consistently 53.

Ironically after extracting these Keys I returned to Device Manager and
clicked on IDE Controllers.
There were 3. One Master with a slave and one Standard controller.
I disabled the master (a mistake), lost my HD. My Rom Drive was slaved off
the HD, so after shutting down I placed it on its own cable. (Something which
hadn't worked previously.) Upon reaching the deaktop after rebooting
a window poped up giving the DVD make and model. Then a CD-ROM window
poped up saying new hardware had been detected. I went back into Device
Manager and found 4 IDE Controllers. I re-enabled the Master ans disabled
the slave.
I went into My Computer and found the Rom Drive from there it worked
normally. Ever since it's been fine for two weeks now.
Thank you for your help Sharon.

You're welcome! After sending that last post, I had wondered if the
difference between what we had in the registry was upper case "S" versus
lower case. Regardless we may not have figured out exactly what was wrong
but at least we shook XP up enough that it started enumerating your
hardware effectively! Thanks for posting back with your results.
Sharon, I'm VERY un-educated about different tasks on the computer. Here is
my problem, most likely a simple one to you.
I have a document (17 pages typed) that was loaded to a disc. This document
is in Spanish, and I am in Costa Rica. I want to send the contents of the
disc to an associate in the U.S.A. I told him he could most likely get it
translated up there using a program or just by having a bilingual human read
and transcribe it.
I just need to know the step-by-step instructions to complete this task.
Hope you can help.
Sharon, I'm VERY un-educated about different tasks on the computer. Here is
my problem, most likely a simple one to you.
I have a document (17 pages typed) that was loaded to a disc. This document
is in Spanish, and I am in Costa Rica. I want to send the contents of the
disc to an associate in the U.S.A. I told him he could most likely get it
translated up there using a program or just by having a bilingual human read
and transcribe it.
I just need to know the step-by-step instructions to complete this task.
Hope you can help.

Do I understand you correctly?

You have a file and you want to get that file to your friend. If yes - read
on. If no or if you have questions about the directions below, you'll need
to send more details to this newsgroup thread.

General rule of thumb: Possess at least one backup copy of all important
data files. If a backup copy does not exist, create one. There are many
different methods of backing up. For a single file, copying the orginal
file to location other than where it exists now--is effective.

You do not mention what kind of disc this file currently resides on so
can't give exact directions here. If on a removable disc, make sure that
disc is available to your Windows.

Use Windows Explorer to locate the file on the disc (local, network or
removable). Then with the file selected, use File> Copy or right click>
copy. Next using Explorer, choose a folder location to paste the copied
file. Once you have the folder in view, right click on it and choose Paste.
Your backup copy has been created. Now you can experiment with transferring
the file to your friend without the risk of losing or damaging the original

Next you have to decide how you want to get the file to your friend. Many
choices available. Unless the file is unusually large and assuming your
friend has access to email, sending the file as an attachment to a mail
message would be a viable option.

I'm going to stop here as there are too many variables to try and cover
them all in one post. If you decide to use the email method to transfer a
copy of the file, your email program will have directions on sending
attachments in its help file.

Or send more details about how you want to proceed and I or someone (there
are many willing to help in these newsgroups) will help you finish this

Good luck!
you are an absolute sweetheart!!!! I`ve been trying to figure out what file i
lost to show & use my cd/dvd you a week now. i used your repair file,
re-booted & presto, it`s working.
Thankyou very much,,
I d/led an update to XP Home edition, and a media update, also installing
Explorer. Lost my calculator, games and now I find that my CDR and DVD drives
are gone, too.

MS took over my mail (tech came and fixed that), undid my LAN, and it seems
to have generally trashed my computer.

Will this patch work also on XP Home Edition? Is it safe to have d/led if it
does not work?
Where did this download come from? Through automatic updates on
or some other place?
Hi Hap - See here:
http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;[LN];270008 It may not
sound like it applies but take the steps outlined there to delete the Upper
and Lower Filters. (Trust me - this is the usual fix for disappearing
optical drives.)


You can also use this reg file to handle these deletes (it takes care of
deleting some other things which can cause problems as well):
http://www.aumha.org/downloads/cdgone.zip This is
pretty much the "standard" fix for this type of issue. Backup first so that
you can recover if there are problems (there aren't usually, BTW).

It's recommended by Compaq/HP that you run FilterFixer also when this occurs
to recreate the correct entries, here:
ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softpaq/sp27501-28000/sp27949.exe Instructions
here: ftp://ftp.compaq.com/pub/softpaq/sp27501-28000/sp27949.txt

Regards, Jim Byrd, MVP, DTS, ASVOP
My Blog, Defending Your Machine,

In Hap <[email protected]> typed:
|| I d/led an update to XP Home edition, and a media update, also
|| installing Explorer. Lost my calculator, games and now I find that
|| my CDR and DVD drives are gone, too.
|| MS took over my mail (tech came and fixed that), undid my LAN, and
|| it seems to have generally trashed my computer.
|| Will this patch work also on XP Home Edition? Is it safe to have
|| d/led if it does not work?
|| --
|| Hap
|| "Rick "Nutcase" Rogers" wrote:
||| Hi,
||| See if this helps:
||| http://aumha.org/win5/a/xpcd.htm
||| Under section 8 - Problems - there is a link to a patch that often
||| resolves this problem
||| --
||| Best of Luck,
||| Rick Rogers, aka "Nutcase" - Microsoft MVP
||| Associate Expert - WindowsXP Expert Zone
||| Windows help - www.rickrogers.org
||| |||| Dear experts,
|||| I'm having Win XP Pro + SP2 in my COMPAQ laptop.
|||| I have installed SP5 for Visual Studio 6.0, after that DVD drive
|||| had disappeared from the windows explorer. When I checked with
|||| "Device Manager",
|||| it says driver files are corrupt ( Error code: 39 ).
|||| I tried following methods to fix the problems.
|||| - I tried "System Restore", but it did not fix the problem.
|||| - I uninstalled and reinstalled the driver, but again says driver
|||| files are
|||| corrupted ( code: 39)
|||| - I looked at the DVD drive manufacturer's website, it says there
|||| is no special driver available and
|||| the XP OS itself provides it. For the same reason, I could not
|||| get the driver from COMPAQ also.
|||| - Fortunately, I had complete XP installation files, but
|||| unfortunately when
|||| I attempted for reinstallation,
|||| it quits by saying that I already have a more recent version
|||| than the one
|||| currently being installed.
|||| How can I fix this problem.
|||| Will reinstalling SP2 solve the problem ?
|||| Is there any standard DVD / CD-ROM driver download available for
|||| XP Pro ?
|||| Experts, kindly help me.
|||| Regards
|||| Kumaran

If you install the drivers from the CD provided, without taking some
precautions, you will have an unpleasant experience the next time you turn on
your computer. You will be unable to access the CD/DVD drive. Its icon will
have disappeared from the COMPUTER window. None of the software that uses it
will be able to find it.

The Arcsoft Photo Impression program interferes with the device driver, and
there is NO way to get the drive back without reinstalling the Windows
Operating System to Factory settings. I kid you not. This is not fun, since
you cannot do a backup because, catch 22, the CD/DVD Rom is what is missing!
Restoring to Factory setting wipes out all programs you have installed, and
all their data.

After going through the process several times, and following the excellent
advice in these pages,I was able to prove to my own satisfaction that it was
the printer software that was the culprit. Restoring the drive didn't solve
the problem, because it only worked when I deleted the printer drivers. I
had the option of having a CD/DVD drive or a printer, but not both. Finally,
I went to the Epson USA website, and found that there are fixes for the

Select the Drivers option, and download the recommended drivers for your
version of Windows. I am running Windows Vista Home Premium, and chose the
following drivers:
Epson Printer Driver V6.1aA
Epson Easy Print V3.10A
Twain Driver & Epson Scan Utility V2.92A

My experiments have led me to the conclusion that the software that
conflicts (in this case) with the cdrom.sys file is the Arcsoft Photo
Impression software.
If you choose to follow the instructions on the website and install Arcsoft
Photo Impression, you will also want to download the patch for that software,
which is on the same web page. I chose not to do that, and instead of
installing from the CD installed the drivers that I had downloaded, from my
hard drive. I did not install Arcsoft, because I have downloaded Picasa from
the Google World website, which also has a free update of Adobe Reader to
version 8.0. I really like the Picasa, and it is free, also.

I hope this will be helpful to those of you who are having the problem after
installing an Epson Printer. I am using the CX6000, and after doing this
fix, have both printer and CD/DVD Rom.
I've read the thread, but when I access the support page at microsoft
suggested to restore my DVD drive, it lists three error messages...none of
which I have received. Anyway, I am operating on Vista, on a Dell Inspiron
E1705. Deinstalled a program yesterday, and today I get error messages when
I try to burn a photo slide show to DVD via Windows DVD Maker. And now, my
DVD Drive (E) keeps disappearing. Help!
Frustrated said:
I've read the thread, but when I access the support page at microsoft
suggested to restore my DVD drive, it lists three error messages...none of
which I have received. Anyway, I am operating on Vista, on a Dell Inspiron
E1705. Deinstalled a program yesterday, and today I get error messages when
I try to burn a photo slide show to DVD via Windows DVD Maker. And now, my
DVD Drive (E) keeps disappearing. Help!
Dear Kumaran
Have you checked if ther are upper or lower filters set in your registry?
You can check this opening the registry typing in the run Window

"Regedit" -Press enter-
Registry opens now
Open the folder
->Current control set
Click now on the Line
In the Right windo you may see
Upper filters and/or Lower filters
If you see then delete those filters and restart your PC.
Usually your Drive should be back.

Good luck
Frustrated said:
I've read the thread, but when I access the support page at microsoft
suggested to restore my DVD drive, it lists three error messages...none of
which I have received. Anyway, I am operating on Vista, on a Dell Inspiron
E1705. Deinstalled a program yesterday, and today I get error messages when
I try to burn a photo slide show to DVD via Windows DVD Maker. And now, my
DVD Drive (E) keeps disappearing. Help!
Hi Kumaran
Did you check your Registry settings for upper and lower filters?
You can check opening your registry
Open "Run"-> Type in - Regedit -
Click on "KKEY_Local_MACHINE"
-->Current control set
Click on "{4D36E965-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}"
Delete Upper and/or Lower filter and restart your System

Usually your drive should be seen again

Good luck trying
gud evening..kindy help me..

i did install a windows royale after i noticed my cd-dvd rom disappears all
the time when i upgraded to windows xp sp3...now I couldn't even open my
cd-dvd rom after i installed the windows royale...

hope to see a message from you...

tnks a lot
"I looked under device manager and it does show there.
So again, nothing showing under My Computer, nothing
in Device Manager/Disk Drives.

So, which is it?.. does it show or not show in the Device Manager...

If the drive disappeared from both My Computer and from the Device Manager:
Just go to the Device Manager, select the CD/DVD drive with a right click
and select "Uninstall".. and still in the Device Manager, right click on the
computer name and click on Search for new hardware.. The CD/DVD Rom should
be auto-reinstalled with the system drivers. If after that, you are still
having trouble, go to any driver download site and look for a compatable
driver, once you have it on your HD, execute the driver so it to install it
on the driver caché or drop it in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers if it's a
"driver.sys" file.

If it only disappeared from My Computer:
Try Tweak UI to recall the drive letter. Download the application from the
next link, install it and on My Computer\Drives\right pane, select the C
check box.

Microsoft PowerToys for Windows XP

I don't know if anyone is going to reply to this since the posting is four
years old. I can't seem to find out how to post my question that somewhat
relates to this posting. But I guess its worth a try.

I don't know when the DVD/CD-ROM drive disappered, but it did. I looked
under device manager and it does show there. I've done the fix that is below,
but it did not do anything for my situation. So again, nothing showing under
My Computer, nothing in Device Manager/Disk Drives. How do I get the drivers

I am running XP Home Edition
You could check this out:

Win XP Fixes: Restore CD/DVD Drives to Explorer

You can no longer access the CD drive or the DVD drive, or you receive an
error message after you remove a CD recording program or a DVD recording
program in Windows XP: "error code 31"


TaurArian [MVP] 2005-2009 - Update Services
How to ask a question: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/555375
Computer Maintenance: Acronis / Diskeeper / Paragon / Raxco
My reply is at the bottom of your sent message.

You could check this out:

Win XP Fixes: Restore CD/DVD Drives to Explorer

You can no longer access the CD drive or the DVD drive, or you receive an
error message after you remove a CD recording program or a DVD recording
program in Windows XP: "error code 31"

In addition to the above:

Missing CD/DVD Drives:

Galen (Not Current MS-MVP)

My Geek Site: http://kgiii.info
Web Hosting: http://whathostingshould.be

"In solving a problem of this sort, the grand thing is to be able to reason
backwards. That is a very useful accomplishment, and a
very easy one, but people do not practise it much. In the every-day affairs
of life it is more useful to reason forwards, and so
the other comes to be neglected. There are fifty who can reason
synthetically for one who can reason analytically." - Sherlock