Dumping Temporary Video Files with WMM



I just discovered that if you cancel a video exporting project, while you are
in the process of sending a captured video file back out to tape, that the
duplicate temporary video file that WMM puts on your HDD will not be
automatically erased. It will just sit there and use up a huge chunk of HDD
space. This duplicate temporary file that WMM uses, is the same size as the
original and does not show on the same folder. While the exporting procedure
is under way or after it is canceled in progress, twice as much space is
occupied on your HDD. The temporary file is placed in an ordinarily hidden
folder that you won't see, unless you know how and where to look.

With some good advice and experimentation, I worked out a way to locate and
delete this temporary file. First, you have to set your system to show
hidden folders. Go to My Computer and click on Tools at the top of the page.
Then, click on Folder Options. Go to View and then look down for the
checkbox that will keep hidden folders from view. Uncheck this box, unless
it is already in that positiion.
Then, back on the main My Computer page, click on the logo for your
harddrive, which may be shown as Local Disk (C). Then go up to Documents and
Settings, then to Owner, then to Local Settings and finally, to Temp. In the
Temp folder will be numerous little boxes that represent changes to your
temporary files. Among these will be the ones that hold the temporary video
files from WMM. If you move your cursor over them, the date and time they
were modified and the file size will be revealed. Two different sets of
information are shown, one when the cursor is on the bottom and another when
it is on the middle of a box. A video file will be quite large, using about
12.8Gb per hour of DV. My temporary video files were in the top row, but
they could be farther down. When you find one you want to dump, after the
cursor highlights it in dark blue, go to the upper left side and click on
Delete This File and click on any follow-up pop-up boxes to confirm your
intent. You can then check on the Local Disk (C) logo, which shows available
capacity, to see if space has been restored.

I don't know why WMM has to store these temporary files and spend what
appears to be about 95 minutes of rendering per hour of DV, in order to be
able to export a video file. Other video editing programs I have, can export
video files directly, in real time, without putting a temporary duplicate
file on the HDD. Even the video files I captured using WMM can be instantly
exported with my two other video editing programs. There seems no way to
avoid this long delay, before WMM can start exporting to a DV camcorder.

There seems to be nothing on the WMM manual about the problem caused when
you cancel an exporting procedure when it's in progress. Finding and
deleting the hidden temporary files could be impossible, if you didn't know
this series of steps.

Steve McDonald

PapaJohn \(MVP\)

A couple comments:

You can tell MM2 where to put your temporary files.. Tools > Options >
General tab... choose a folder that you use often and will be apt to notice
a big temporary file.

If you're not saving an edited movie to the camcorder, and simply copying an
existing DV-AVI file on your hard drive, don't use Movie Maker. Use the
WinDV utility - there's a link on my Setup Movie Maker > Other Software
page. The temporary DV-AVI file of Movie Maker assumes you've done some
editing of the project file.

Movie Maker 2 and Photo Story 3 website - http://www.papajohn.org
MM2 Tips and Tricks: http://www.simplydv.co.uk/simplyBB/viewtopic.php?t=4693
Online Newsletters: http://www.windowsmoviemakers.net/PapaJohn/Index.aspx

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