Dual Memory - Is this usual in all moderm m/b's ?



I notice from reading various m/b specs that not all recent m/b's seem
to support "dual memory".

Is this " a good thing " to have in a m/b ?

If it is , why do some m/b's not have it ?



You really should try google. I found this for you in two seconds flat.


News groups are useful sources of help but they are not adequate
alternatives to a little research on your part. You'll get instant access
to the knowledge you seek from your favourite search engine and you're less
likely to get a reply from a spaced out geek who hasn't slept for six
months. You'll also improve the experience of your journeys into cyber


You really should try google. I found this for you in two seconds flat.


News groups are useful sources of help but they are not adequate
alternatives to a little research on your part. You'll get instant access
to the knowledge you seek from your favourite search engine and you're less
likely to get a reply from a spaced out geek who hasn't slept for six
months. You'll also improve the experience of your journeys into cyber

Thanks for the URL - most helpful.

I accept the point about Google v newsgroups and also accept that I
took the easier , lazy way by asking directly in the NG .

I am a frequent user of Google and am aware what a useful source of
almost unlimited knowledge it is.

However , just recently , I have been researching facts for a possible
upgrade to my m/b and have been hooked into Google constantly for the
last few days and , as a result , had got to the point of " knowledge
overload " !!! - hence my shortcut of the direct question to the NG's.

Apologies - I , of course , agree with your comments and , once again
, thanks for pointing me towards an answer to my question.


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