Doom and Gloom from Kirk jim


Spanky deMonkey

Almost everything he posts is totally negative towards Vista. This SURE
helps people coming here for their problems with Vista. Kirk probably has
nothing else to do, no friends, his poor battered wife left him, the police
are looking for him, his parole officer doesn't know where to find him.

But if they look hard enough, he is at his computer putting down Vista
almost 100% and not helping anybody


Spanky said:
Almost everything he posts is totally negative towards Vista. This SURE
helps people coming here for their problems with Vista. Kirk probably has
nothing else to do, no friends, his poor battered wife left him, the police
are looking for him, his parole officer doesn't know where to find him.

But if they look hard enough, he is at his computer putting down Vista
almost 100% and not helping anybody

Actually, if only one person puts off buying Vista before its time (if
it will ever have one), Kirk has helped that person avoid a lot of
headaches. money and lost time, your false hateful comments about Kirk
notwithstanding (which only reflects on you, not Kirk). Now, what "help"
have you provided that has saved people headaches, money and time?



Spanky deMonkey said:
Almost everything he posts is totally negative towards Vista. This SURE
helps people coming here for their problems with Vista. Kirk probably has
nothing else to do, no friends, his poor battered wife left him, the
police are looking for him, his parole officer doesn't know where to find

But if they look hard enough, he is at his computer putting down Vista
almost 100% and not helping anybody

There will always be those who visit a site not to contribute or ask for
help with a problem, but to just 'bad mouth' something. The Linux types
look for justification in their choice of OS. Kirk lurks here to justify
his choice.

Mark Rae

Kirk lurks here to justify his choice.

Ah, but that's the problem - he doesn't lurk here... He posts his unhelpful
nonsense here repeatedly...

If only he actually *was* a lurker...


And how does kirkjim know that Vista will not work on my computer or anybody
elses. Obviously, if a person has a years old computer that barely runs
Win95 then they most certainly will probably have a problem running Vista.
Kirkjim and others of his ilk get some sort of perverse pleasure trying to
scare everyone away from Vista even though there are probably thousands of
computers around the world using Vista every day with no problems. Granted,
not everyone is going to be problem free and some will not be able to get
Vista to work at all, but posting all over the net that Vista is a POS is
pretty stupid. Unfortunately, people who are having no problems generally
do not post to newsgroups and the only posts that show up are requests for
assistance and it is unfortunate also that some people will listen to the
kirkjims of the world instead of thinking for themselves. And for kirkjim's
information, Vista Ultimate and all of the programs that I use are
functioning quite normally and without problems. If Vista is, as kirkjim
would like everyone to believe, a POS, how in the world can this happen?

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