Does WinAmp LockUp for you on XP Pro?



Lately wierd stuff has been happening on an XP Pro machine.

WinAmp will lockup and freeze for several minutes when trying to select a
bookmarked item to play. No mouse events are being recognized. Then several
minutes later mouse events can be used to drag the WinAmp window around and
select other bookmarked items which will freeze all over again -- or --
WinAmp will stop responding entirely and I have to use TaskManager to whack

Ordinarily I would suspect WinAmp first and ask questions elsewhere but XP
Pro has become such a POS I don't know what to think anymore. Out of the
clear blue after many many months of stability IE6 decided it wants 30-45
seconds to load a new window for example. The entire platform is becoming
FUBAR no matter how many performance tricks I try

Any comments about what may be occurring?


clintonG said:
Lately wierd stuff has been happening on an XP Pro machine.

WinAmp will lockup and freeze for several minutes when trying to
select a bookmarked item to play. No mouse events are being
recognized. Then several minutes later mouse events can be used to
drag the WinAmp window around and select other bookmarked items which
will freeze all over again -- or -- WinAmp will stop responding
entirely and I have to use TaskManager to whack it.

Ordinarily I would suspect WinAmp first and ask questions elsewhere
but XP Pro has become such a POS I don't know what to think anymore.
Out of the clear blue after many many months of stability IE6 decided
it wants 30-45 seconds to load a new window for example. The entire
platform is becoming FUBAR no matter how many performance tricks I try

This could be software (viruses/malware being the first suspects) or
hardware. There is no way to tell from the information you've provided.

The First Question Of Troubleshooting: what changed between the time
things worked and the time they didn't?

The Second Question of Windows Troubleshooting: what is the
malware/virus status of the machine? If you think it is clean, what
programs (and versions) did you use to determine this?

To test for malware:

To test hardware:

If the procedures look too complex - and there is no shame in admitting
this isn't your cup of tea - take the machine to a professional
computer repair shop (not your local version of BigStoreUSA).



clintonG said:
Lately wierd stuff has been happening on an XP Pro machine.

WinAmp will lockup and freeze for several minutes when trying to select a
bookmarked item to play. No mouse events are being recognized. Then
several minutes later mouse events can be used to drag the WinAmp window
around and select other bookmarked items which will freeze all over again
-- or -- WinAmp will stop responding entirely and I have to use
TaskManager to whack it.

Ordinarily I would suspect WinAmp first and ask questions elsewhere but XP
Pro has become such a POS I don't know what to think anymore. Out of the
clear blue after many many months of stability IE6 decided it wants 30-45
seconds to load a new window for example. The entire platform is becoming
FUBAR no matter how many performance tricks I try

Any comments about what may be occurring?

It's known as "bit rot" and is just part of the Windoze eXPerience. The
longer you use this toy operating system, the more your system speed
degrades until one is forced to wipe everything and reinstall from scratch.
Why it happens, I have no idea and MickeyMouse doesn't seem to ever comment
on this obvious shortcoming of its main "operating system". Maybe some MVP
can clue us in as to why this happens. Could it be related to the
ever-growing registry?

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