Distro for HP


Doomed Soul

I installed Xubuntu on a HP dc5700 s 64bit. Maybe some of you remember
me, but I almost had everything working and when I downloaded my last
fix it screwed up more than it fixed. Instead of trying to chase my
tail around any further I think I would be better off just starting
over with a new distro.

I am calling out to those of you who have experience with trying out
multiple Distros. I will attempt to communicate what I will be
primarily be using this machine for and ask for suggestions fully
understanding that there are no guarantees that anything will work.lol

First I would like to have a version that has a decent track record
for multi media drivers/codecs working out of the box with hp.
{cd(.mp3, .cda,) ,dvd(mpeg, wmv, div-x, flash) usb}.

Basically this machine is going to be used to download and play(and/or
stream) videos & music on my led TV and Surround receiver. I'm just
wondering if it will be possible to output 1080p with this machine
without changing the video card. I'll be ok with 720p if thats all it
will do.

I don't mind having to do some work to get some things working, but I
spent 2 months on Xubuntu and got so close I could smell victory and
then I got pushed back further than when I started.

So whats my best bet on having at least "most" everything working on
install. (cd,dvd,usb)



Doomed said:
I installed Xubuntu on a HP dc5700 s 64bit. Maybe some of you remember
me, but I almost had everything working and when I downloaded my last
fix it screwed up more than it fixed. Instead of trying to chase my
tail around any further I think I would be better off just starting
over with a new distro.

I am calling out to those of you who have experience with trying out
multiple Distros. I will attempt to communicate what I will be
primarily be using this machine for and ask for suggestions fully
understanding that there are no guarantees that anything will work.lol

First I would like to have a version that has a decent track record
for multi media drivers/codecs working out of the box with hp.
{cd(.mp3, .cda,) ,dvd(mpeg, wmv, div-x, flash) usb}.

Basically this machine is going to be used to download and play(and/or
stream) videos & music on my led TV and Surround receiver. I'm just
wondering if it will be possible to output 1080p with this machine
without changing the video card. I'll be ok with 720p if thats all it
will do.

I don't mind having to do some work to get some things working, but I
spent 2 months on Xubuntu and got so close I could smell victory and
then I got pushed back further than when I started.

So whats my best bet on having at least "most" everything working on
install. (cd,dvd,usb)


No distro will play restricted content, out of the box. That means,
no matter what distro you use, you'll need a few extra things along the

Just about any distro, can interface to a CD or DVD. But what you're asking,
is for movie decoding functions, which is a separate issue (effectively,
CODECs or perhaps decryption).

In terms of "got pushed back further", I've had that happen a few times.
Do something with a package manager, that later seemed not to be reversible.

About all I can suggest is, image the disk you do your work on, at regular
intervals. And if you do something to it to screw it up, restore from
backup and try again. (You can do that with "dd", the disk dump command,
if no other ideas come to mind.)


"Linux Mint also includes some proprietary software, such as the
Adobe Flash plugin, and uses a Linux kernel that contains binary

But that still doesn't mean it can contain anything which they can be sued for.
Some of the materials needed to do restricted things, are distributed from
countries that make prosecution more difficult. All my Linux distros here,
barely play movies, and I haven't spent the time beefing them up with extras -
so I'm the wrong guy to ask :)



"Linux Mint also includes some proprietary software, such as the
Adobe Flash plugin, and uses a Linux kernel that contains binary

But that still doesn't mean it can contain anything which they can be
sued for. Some of the materials needed to do restricted things, are
distributed from countries that make prosecution more difficult. All my
Linux distros here, barely play movies, and I haven't spent the time
beefing them up with extras - so I'm the wrong guy to ask :)


I use Mint and 'out of the box' support for various media types and
codecs was pretty good. It played most of my content straight away.

Anyway, for ease of use and setup I suggest Linux Mint or Pinguy. Both
are based on Ubuntu so you can make use of the vast amount of info out
there on getting hardware and software to work under Ubuntu.

Doomed Soul

I use Mint and 'out of the box' support for various media types and
codecs was pretty good. It played most of my content straight away.

Anyway, for ease of use and setup I suggest Linux Mint or Pinguy. Both
are based on Ubuntu so you can make use of the vast amount of info out
there on getting hardware and software to work under Ubuntu.

Cool. I'll try mint first and put the other in my back pocket.
One more question tho.
I want to buy a wireless keyboard and mouse so I can control this bad
boy from the couch.
Do I stand to run into the same compatibility problems, or are
keyboards and mice a little more friendly?
I tried to find a wireless HP set but not in this town. Logitech and
IHOME are about all I could find locally.
None are ps2 anymore its all usb now it seems. Are there any
particular brands that are more linux friendly than others?


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