Disable "update Links" dialog box for ALL ppt files. PLEASE HELP



I have a user who recieves this message on some ppt files. I need to know
how to disable the message via registry or policy or whatever means. I know
how to temporaily set to manual in Edit, Links, and set to manual, but that
is not sufficient. The message is below:

Microsoft Office PowerPoint

This presentation contains links to other files:
• If you update the links, PowerPoint will attempt to retrieve the latest
• If you don't update the links, PowerPoint will use the previous
Note that file links can be used to access and share confidential
information without your permission and possibly perform other harmful
actions. Do not update the links if you do not trust the source of the

Austin Myers

changhee said:
I have a user who recieves this message on some ppt files. I need to know
how to disable the message via registry or policy or whatever means. I
how to temporaily set to manual in Edit, Links, and set to manual, but
is not sufficient. The message is below:

Let me play devil's advocate here. I create a small executable file that
installs a key logger, goes through your email, wipes your hard drive clean,
or whatever nasty I want. Now I know you aren't likely to run an unknown
application like this so I create a nice friendly PowerPoint presentation
and put a link to the application in it and send the entire thing to you.
See the problem???

Austin Myers
MS PowerPoint MVP Team

Provider of PFCMedia, PFCPro, PFCExpress

Steve Rindsberg

Let me play devil's advocate here. I create a small executable file that
installs a key logger, goes through your email, wipes your hard drive clean,
or whatever nasty I want. Now I know you aren't likely to run an unknown
application like this so I create a nice friendly PowerPoint presentation
and put a link to the application in it and send the entire thing to you.
See the problem???

Yes and no.

Links to EXEs won't trigger a link update request, so the example's not really
valid. Disabling the "Oh me oh my there's a link to an external file, what'll
I do what'll I do?" natter would indeed be problematic but I don't think that's
what's wanted here.

Changhee's asking to lose the "Do you want to update" dialog and set the links
to manual universally. IOW, if you were able to sneak a nasty OLEthingummint
onto the disk in place of an existing one, PPT wouldn't find it and upate to
the evil version unless the user manually forced the issue.

Knowhuttamean,vern? ;-)

Moot point in any case; I don't think there's any way to disable link updates
globally other than perhaps by running a macro that steps through all the PPT
files it can find and sets link updating to manual.

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