Disable DNS proxy in ICS


Anony Mouse

Does anyone know of a registry hack or utility that disables ICS's
built-in DHCP or DNS proxies under XP Pro?

I've got a service listening on on an XP Pro box with
ICS, which I'd like to disable.

UDP *:*

'tasklist /svc' tells me this port is bound by svchost.exe, which
appears to be the ICS service. Stopping the ICS service frees this
port, starting ICS binds it again.

This is the closest KB article I could track down:

I'd like to continue using ICS without the DNS proxy on
or the built-in DHCP server.

Marc Reynolds [MSFT]

No, ICS is an all or none service. You cannot disable parts of it. Is there
a specific reason you do not want to use the ICS DNS Proxy?


Marc Reynolds
Microsoft Technical Support

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