desktop icons became bold!!


Babak H.


My desktop icons has become bold unexpectedly. Also in all of my programs
and in every window texts are shown in bold face.
I have changed nothing. I tried to fix it by display properties\
appearance\advanced but it did not work. what is the problem!?


Sharon F


My desktop icons has become bold unexpectedly. Also in all of my programs
and in every window texts are shown in bold face.
I have changed nothing. I tried to fix it by display properties\
appearance\advanced but it did not work. what is the problem!?


Did you turn on Clear Type without realizing it? This new feature increases
the number of horizontal pixels 300%. The resulting display of the screen
fonts could be mistaken as "bold" formatted text.

Display Settings> Appearance> Effects. Change Clear Type to Standard.


-----Original Message-----

Did you turn on Clear Type without realizing it? This new feature increases
the number of horizontal pixels 300%. The resulting display of the screen
fonts could be mistaken as "bold" formatted text.

Display Settings> Appearance> Effects. Change Clear Type to Standard.

Sharon F
MS MVP - Windows Shell/User
it could also be a DPI setting Susan...?

Babak H.

My Clear type is on but the problem is not because of that. My icons and
menus have become bold. I turned off the clear type but it did not fix

My DPI setting is normal too. (96 DPI)


Check in display settings>appearance>advanced>icon>uncheck the bold button next
to the font used for the icons. Ok your way out. Does that solve it?



| My Clear type is on but the problem is not because of that. My icons and
| menus have become bold. I turned off the clear type but it did not fix
| anything.
| My DPI setting is normal too. (96 DPI)
| | >
| > >-----Original Message-----
| > >On Fri, 17 Oct 2003 22:45:39 +0330, Babak H. wrote:
| > >
| > >> Hi,
| > >>
| > >> My desktop icons has become bold unexpectedly. Also in
| > all of my programs
| > >> and in every window texts are shown in bold face.
| > >> I have changed nothing. I tried to fix it by display
| > properties\
| > >> appearance\advanced but it did not work. what is the
| > problem!?
| > >>
| > >> Thanks,
| > >> Babak
| > >
| > >Did you turn on Clear Type without realizing it? This
| > new feature increases
| > >the number of horizontal pixels 300%. The resulting
| > display of the screen
| > >fonts could be mistaken as "bold" formatted text.
| > >
| > >Display Settings> Appearance> Effects. Change Clear Type
| > to Standard.
| > >
| > >--
| > >Sharon F
| > >MS MVP - Windows Shell/User
| > >.
| > >it could also be a DPI setting Susan...?

Sharon F

My Clear type is on but the problem is not because of that. My icons and
menus have become bold. I turned off the clear type but it did not fix

My DPI setting is normal too. (96 DPI)

If the change is not due to ClearType or the online ClearType tuner, head
over to Control Panel> Display> Appearance and click the Advanced button.
In the Item list on that page, select each effected window component.
Check to see if the Bold button is active for that item. May want to click
that button a few times to toggle the setting and compare the displayed

Babak H.

Thank you very much but unfortunately it did not solve the problem. I tried
that several times before but it did not solve the problem!!
It's really strange!! can it be because of some values in the windows

Maureen Goldman

My Clear type is on but the problem is not because of that. My icons and
The original post has become lost from the thread. Any chance that
you've activated an accessibility setting to make these aspects more
visible? (Control panel)

Sharon F

Thank you very much but unfortunately it did not solve the problem. I tried
that several times before but it did not solve the problem!!
It's really strange!! can it be because of some values in the windows

You've hit all the places that the settings are at in the UI. I have only a
few more suggestions:

** Reset your display to default values: DPI in Display> Settings> Advanced
set to Normal. Normal should also be selected in Display> Appearance. On
Display> Themes page, select Windows Classic. Apply. While in this
mode, go back and check that default settings are being used in Display>
Appearance. Then reset to XP style if desired.

** Try System Restore and select a restore point that predates the problem.
NOTE: Updates installed after the date of the restore point will need to be

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