Window Text suddenly bold



Hi there!

After a power blackout, the window text is suddenly bold. A
few other things font-objects are also bold now.

I tried all the display-properties I now and I couldn't
find an adjustement that worked.
Following actions I tried.. tey did not work:
- Themes changed
- Appearance changed (Style, Font size)
- Appearance - Advanced settings changed

Can somebody please help? Thanks a lot!



I had the same problem back at Easter after a storm, even
though the PC was powered down and plugged into a surge
protecter power bar, the small surge was enough to blow
my vid card(literally a charred mark on the card), which
in turn also affected my monitor's RGB.

Perhaps take a look at the card or bring it to a
professional to have it looked at it. You wouldn't want a
malfunction electrical device in your home.

Carrie Garth

| message | After a power blackout, the window text is suddenly bold. A
| few other things font-objects are also bold now. <SNIP>

You may have a corrupt Tahoma (True Type) font file
(%SYSTEMROOT%\Fonts\Tahoma.ttf). If so, replacing it may solve
your problem. Since the file is always in use it makes it
difficult to replace when booted to Normal Mode. However, the
file is on the Windows File Protection (WFP) list of Protected
Files. So you could run the System File Checker tool and if it
detects the font as corrupt, the tool will replace it. For more
information see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base article
and WFP documentation:

KB310747 - Description of Windows XP and Windows Server 2003
System File Checker (Sfc.exe);en-us;310747

Windows File Protection and Windows

And if that does not solve the problem you may want to reinstall
the standard fonts that are included with Windows XP. You can do
that by running Windows XP Setup to repair the installation. For
more information see the following Microsoft Knowledge Base

KB314960 - HOW TO: Install or Remove a Font in Windows;en-us;314960

KB315341 - How to Perform an In-Place Upgrade (Reinstallation) of
Windows XP;en-us;315341


Hi Carrie!

Thanks for your help. I tried to replace the Tahoma font
file (it looks like Windows used the bold Tahoma instead of
the regular, I don't know..).

After that (it didn't work) I did as you advised and
reinstalled the fonts via XP In-Place Upgrade. That solved
the problem.

Kind regards, Florian

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