Desktop icons and taskbar gone



First of all i apologize if this topic is located elsewhere in th
forums, but ive checked many searches and nothing has helped my proble

Here is what i am dealing with:

All of my icons are gone from all user accounts. Including the taskbar
CTR+ESC, windows key, do not work. I cannot right click on the desktop
nothing happens. The Desktop image thatt the different user account
had selected are all there. They did not change. On the brigh
side--all of my files are are still here. I can access everything
need via task manager(thank god for control alt del.) None of them ar
corrupt, and they all work fine.
The thing that I notice being most predominant here, is tha
explorer.exe is not running at startup. You would think we could jus
have task manager run that application, but no luck. The taskba
flashes for half a second, and vanishes. The explorer file is in it
correct place.

What ive tried:

Ive tried, along with my the two of my best computer enlightene
friends, everything we can think of. That in cludes registry fixes
AUTOEXEC's, manually running explorer.exe and explorer. They also cam
up with a .vbs file, im not very familiar with that, but i gave it
shot anyways, no luck. Ive done virus/adware/spyware checks, and i hav
found only one thing. This alexa registry file which adaware hit. Now i
its already corrupted something, deleting it wouldnt have done much, bu
i HAVE already delted taht file. What i dont kno, is how to fix it. An
as i am typing this, i just have realized that i probably should hav
checked that thign out to see what it modified.

Anways, ive tried everything i can possibly think of, and do not wan
to have to reinstall windows. Our family has too many important thing
on here to take that kind of time writing everythign to a mem stick o
a CD. Right now i am totally clueless as of what to do. And woud
greatly appreciate any help that anyone would have for me.

Thanks in advance


Sorry for the double post, but i didnt see anwayhere to edit my post. M
sys specs are:

Dell 2400 2.20ghz intel pen 4
1 gig RAM
dell R vid card
win xp pr


Damnit, sorry bout this 3rd post, guys, but i keep forgetting to ad
things to this.

I heard about reaplying the serice pack...we are on SP1 on thi
computer. I thoguht about reinstalling windows, and the SP1, but i can
lose any files on this computer. THere is also a shared network betwee
this one and a laptop we have up on the main floor of the house. wil
reinstalling the SP or OS effect any of my files, or files over tah
shared connection to the laptop? I am tyring to fix this in the mos
simple way possible, without having to reinstall OS's and so on.

THanks again

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