Designer design time debugging VS2005



I just switched to VS2005 and need to work on some higher complexity custom
controls for .NETCF, so I was looking (in vain) to find a solution how to
debug the controls during design time. I found two VS03 based articles but I
could not get either of them to work (building a .NET starter for a 2nd VS
instance when starting a ?debug? session that uses the control in the
designer) .

Also I am confused as to when/if the InitializeComponent() call is really
required for designtime support (yes, the wizgen'd sources say so). I saw
quite a few controls at least for the full framework that do not reference
that method anywhere.

Is there anything I have missed?
Thanks ahead!



to debug design time code of the control you have to start another version of the VS in debugger
for this you have many options. I use MessageBox to break design time code, then attaching to the VS
process with my debugger and set up break point on a next line after MessageBox appeared, so after I close
MessageBox the debugger stops VS on just set break point :) that's it.


I just switched to VS2005 and need to work on some higher complexity custom
controls for .NETCF, so I was looking (in vain) to find a solution how to
debug the controls during design time. I found two VS03 based articles but I
could not get either of them to work (building a .NET starter for a 2nd VS
instance when starting a ?debug? session that uses the control in the
designer) .

Also I am confused as to when/if the InitializeComponent() call is really
required for designtime support (yes, the wizgen'd sources say so). I saw
quite a few controls at least for the full framework that do not reference
that method anywhere.

Is there anything I have missed?
Thanks ahead!


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