Deleting Accounts and Folder



Can I folder associated to a user account in active
directory be deleted at the same time I delete the
account? If so, How can I do this?

Jerold Schulman

Can I folder associated to a user account in active
directory be deleted at the same time I delete the
account? If so, How can I do this?


Assuming the user's home folder and profile are on a server, you could run:

deluser username[,username2,username3,....]

where deluser.bat contains:

@echo off
if {%1}=={} @echo Syntax: deluser username[,username2,username3,....]&goto :EOF
if {%1}=={} endlocal&goto :EOF
set user=%1
set fnd=N
for /f "Skip=2 Tokens=1,2*" %%a in ('net user %user% /domain') do (
call :find %%a %%b "%%c"
goto loop
if "%fnd%" EQU "Y" goto find1
if /i "%1" NEQ "User" goto :EOF
if /i "%2" NEQ "name" goto :EOF
set fnd=Y
net user %user% /domain /delete
goto :EOF
if /i "%1" NEQ "User" goto :find2
if /i "%2" NEQ "profile" goto :EOF
if exist %3 rd /q /s %3
goto :EOF
if /i "%1" NEQ "Home" goto :find2
if /i "%2" NEQ "directory" goto :EOF
if exist %3 rd /q /s %3

NOTE: I didn't test this.

Jerold Schulman
Windows: General MVP
JSI, Inc.

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