Delete Duplicate records



I've gone through the newsgroup and tried pretty much every suggestion, and I
still results that either include every record or none at all.
I have a table with eleven (11) fields plus Primary Key. The field ACCOUNT
is repeated in the table numerous times, and each Account record also
includes the same NAME, ADDRESS, CITY, STATE, ZIP. The data in the other five
fields may or not be repeated. I want to delete all instances of of records
where the field ACCOUNT is repeated.
I tried using a SELECT DISTINCT statement, but ACCESS said the syntax was
wrong even though I copied it from another posting. I set the property for
the ACCOUNT field to UNIQUE and ran an APPEND query, and got a blank return.

Here is roughly what I have:

1 123450 Blah, blah, blah
2 123450 Blah, blah, blah
3 123451 Yadda, yadda, yadda
4 123453 Badda bing, badda boom

Here is what I want, preferably in a new table:
1 123450 Blah, blah, blah
2 123451 Yadda, yadda, yadda
3 123453 Badda bing, badda boom


I found the answer in a post on March 8 - Duplicate Records in a query - how
to show only one each.
I must not have been illogical enough in my orginal search parameters.
Thank you, Mr Walsh.

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