Datagrid color



Hi, Can anyone tell me how i change the background color of the datagrid cell when it is clicked. At the moment the cell color goes blue when selected. I do not what the user to be able to select any cell or row at all so i want the cell color to remain white. Does anyone know how to do this

Can anyone help me



Hi Ken

This will set the backcolor for individual cells
What i want to do is to ensure that the cell color does not change when the user clicks anywhere in my datagrid. Is this possible
At the moment the cell chages to a grey colour when it is clicked on. I want to ensure this does not happen. I have tried to fiddle with the sample u have given me but am struggling big time as im new to this language :

Is there a property or something similar that i have to change to achieve this or is it only done through coding?

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