Dataform Wizard - Add button does not work



I built a dataform using the wizard. I have two
tables, with one relation, Parent to Child, linked on one
common key. The dataform loads the data fine, and when I
click on the Add button, it appears to add a record (the
record count goes up) but unlike single table dataforms,
the form does not automatically move to the new record.
In fact, though the record count increases by one (and
you even get an error saying the primary key can't be
null if you try to add another or update), you can't move
to that record. If you press the last button in the
record navigation buttons, you see something like 222 of
223 records in the navigation label, but it does not move
to the true last record.

One Handed Man

Hi There,

You in the wrong newsgroup, please goto


to post ado related questions ( The data bits you are trying to solve )

This will provoke a much better response to your question.

Regards - One Handed Man

Author : Fish .NET & Keep .NET
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