Damaged File


Jon Kennedy

That appears to be an old version of the WindowsUpdate ActiveX control. If
WU is working for you, I wouldn't worry about it. Or, you could, in IE go
to Tools...Internet Options...General tab, Settings, View Objects - look for
an entry that's named something similar to "WUWebControl Class", right click
on it and choose Remove.
Then go to WU and you'll be offered to download and install the latest
version. Or right click and choose Properties - the new version will have a
CodeBase entry of:


I deleted the file WUWebControl Class as indicated in your post - I then
downloaded the zipfiles, by clicking on your link - when I went to install
them I get the message: You are attempting to open a file of type
'Application Extension" (.dll) These files are used by the operation system
and by variaous programs. Editing or modifying them could damage your system.
If you still want to open file, click Open With, otherwise, click Cancel.

I no longer have the WUWeb Control Class listed under Objects - and when I
go to the Windows Update site it reports my computer is up to date. It does
not offer to download and install the latest version. I hope this is not a
file I need. Everything else seems to be working okay.

Except : under List of Objects (System Info) Support.com Configuration Class
shows as being unplugged? and somewhere I got listing of: iecont.dll,
iecontlc.dll and ieiunit.inf are missing. I do not know what all this means.
Where can I get a copy of the full IE to reinstall if that is what I need
to do.

Thank you for taking the time to read my long-winded post. I have so much
to learn.

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